Metrohm viva 1.0 Manual User Manual
Page 893

viva 1.0
Evaluation ........................ 438
Fixed endpoint evaluation . 442
General/Hardware ............ 432
Measuring parameters ...... 434
Overview .......................... 430
MEAS Opt Conc ..................... 442
Additional measured values
......................................... 450
Command variables .......... 442
General/Hardware ............ 444
Measuring parameters ...... 446
Overview .......................... 442
MEAS Ref ............................... 423
Command variables .......... 423
General/Hardware ............ 424
Measuring parameters ...... 425
Overview .......................... 423
MEAS Spec ............................. 426
Command variables .......... 426
Evaluation window ........... 429
Evaluations ....................... 429
General/Hardware ............ 427
Measuring parameters ...... 428
Overview .......................... 426
MEAS TMF ............................. 451
Command variables .......... 451
General/Hardware ............ 453
Measuring parameters ...... 454
Overview .......................... 451
Manual control ................. 795
Measure open-circuit potential
......................................... 795
Measure potentiostatically 795
Measured value display ........... 152
Measuring commands ............ 423
Measuring parameters 425, 428,
Measuring point list ........ 275, 310
Menu bar ............................... 345
Configuration ................... 618
Database .......................... 175
Methods .......................... 345
Report template ............... 200
Workplace .......................... 70
Messages ....................... 151, 549
Back up ............................ 819
Cancel command ............. 146
Check ............................... 359
Close ........................ 362, 842
Command ........................ 378
Copy ................................ 364
Create new ...................... 350
Definition ......................... 344
Delete ...................... 365, 844
Display ..................... 352, 353
Evaluation ........................ 148
Example methods ............. 845
Export ...................... 365, 844
Functions ......................... 349
General ............................ 344
Import ...................... 366, 845
Information determination
method ............................ 332
Introduction ..................... 344
Live modification .............. 146
Live modifications ............. 148
Make current ............ 367, 846
Manage ........................... 362
Menu bar ......................... 345
Method groups ................ 368
Method report ................. 361
Method run .............. 146, 370
Method selection with assign-
ment ID ............................ 118
Method symbol ................ 352
Method template ............. 350
Move ............................... 364
Open ........................ 350, 842
Rename .................... 364, 366
Reports ............................. 846
Representation in the run . 146
Reprocess ......................... 266
Sample data ............. 110, 130
Sample methods ............... 366
Save ......................... 359, 847
Selection .... 84, 110, 130, 352
Send to ............................ 365
Show determination method
......................................... 300
Show history .................... 367
Status ............................... 332
Structure .......................... 344
Subwindow ...................... 349
Term ................................ 871
Toolbar ............................ 347
User interface ............... 9, 344
Version ..... 332, 359, 367, 846
Zoom ....................... 146, 353
Method editor ............................ 3
Method group
Access rights .................... 369
Create .............................. 849
Default method group ...... 628
Delete .............................. 850
General parameters .......... 369
Manage ........................... 368
Properties ......................... 369
Term ................................ 871
Minimum evaluation ............... 438
Term ................................ 870
Calibration curve field ....... 234
Curve field ........................ 232
Data field ......................... 215
Date field ......................... 217
Edit .................................. 209
Fixed report ...................... 224
Group field ....................... 225
Image ............................... 228
Insert ................................ 208
Line .................................. 229
Module bar ...................... 203
Number of pages ............. 222
Page number .................... 220
Rectangle ......................... 231
Result table ...................... 226
Text field .......................... 214
Time field ......................... 219
Toolbar ............................ 203
Molar mass calculator ............... 66
Calibration data ................ 693
Common variable ............. 706
Database .......................... 193
Global variable ................. 715
Sensor .............................. 685
Solution ............................ 667
MOVE .................................... 500
Command variables .......... 500
Overview .......................... 500
Properties ......................... 501
Multiplication ........................... 36
Natural logarithm ..................... 48
Determination overview .... 251
Report template ............... 210
Normal track .................. 372, 389
Not equal to ............................. 46
Number of standards .............. 464
NumberToText ......................... 56
NumberToTime ........................ 56
Object-oriented database ........... 3
Online help ................................. 6
Operating elements
Determination series ......... 119