Metrohm viva 1.0 Manual User Manual
Page 891

viva 1.0
Fixed volume .................... 800
General ............................ 798
Manual control ................. 798
Dosing command ................... 473
Dosing device ......... 488, 493, 498
Dosing parameters 475, 478, 481,
Dosing unit ............................. 671
Column display ................. 673
Configuration ................... 675
Delete .............................. 673
Edit properties .................. 674
Empty ............................... 799
Export .............................. 643
Fill .................................... 799
Import .............................. 645
Parameters ....................... 674
Parameters for preparation
......................................... 675
Prepare ............................. 799
Print list of dosing units .... 674
Subwindow ...................... 671
Table of dosing units ........ 672
Tubing parameters ........... 675
Valve disk ......................... 675
Dosino ................................... 488
Term ................................ 867
E-mail ..................................... 549
Edit template .................... 654
Export template ................ 643
Import template ............... 645
Login ................................ 636
Manage templates ............ 653
Send ................................... 69
Templates ......................... 653
Effective addition volume
Evaluation ratio ........ 608, 609
Sample ............. 609, 610, 611
Standard .......................... 608
Standard solution ............. 609
Term ................................ 868
see Sensor ........................ 682
Electrode test ......................... 383
Emergency stop ...................... 656
Empty ..................................... 799
EMPTY ................................... 495
Command variables .......... 495
Overview .......................... 495
Properties ......................... 496
END ....................................... 395
Show ....................... 291, 326
Equal to .................................... 41
ERROR .................................... 394
Command variables .......... 394
Error (Function) ......................... 65
Error calculation ..................... 592
Error track ...................... 376, 394
Break point evaluation ...... 438
Calculated results ............. 591
Fixed endpoint evaluation . 438
General .................... 553, 554
Maximum evaluation ........ 438
Minimum evaluation ......... 438
Reprocess ......................... 266
Show evaluation lines 291,
Term ................................ 870
Toolbar ............................ 553
Evaluation ratio
Term ................................ 869
Event message ............... 529, 533
EXIT ....................................... 393
Command variables .......... 393
Exit track ........................ 375, 393
Exponential function ................. 47
Configuration data ... 643, 838
Determinations ......... 297, 825
Export templates .............. 240
Method .................... 365, 844
Results .............................. 589
Export template
Edit .................................. 241
Export .............................. 643
Field selection ................... 244
Import .............................. 645
Manage ........................... 240
Options for CSV format .... 244
Options for measuring point list
......................................... 245
Properties ......................... 241
Request at file export ........ 245
Select ............................... 590
Selection .......................... 297
External measured value ......... 458
External position 740, 748, 750,
FAQ ....................................... 863
Fill .......................................... 799
Delete .............................. 259
Determinations ................. 257
Filter criterion ................... 260
Filter selection .................. 250
Last filter .......................... 257
Quick filter ........................ 257
Save ................................. 259
Special filter ...................... 258
Fixed endpoint evaluation ....... 438
MEAS Opt ........................ 442
Fixed report ............................ 224
Form report ............................ 198
Formula editor
ASCII table ......................... 65
Buttons .............................. 14
Calculation algorithms ........ 15
Common variables .............. 32
Determination variables ...... 30
Formula entry for command
parameters ....................... 358
Functions ........................... 33
Global variables .................. 32
Input field ........................... 14
Molar mass calculator ......... 66
Operators ........................... 33
Overview ............................ 13
Result variables ................... 27
System variables ................. 31
User-defined result variables
........................................... 30
Variables ............................ 16
Fraction .................................... 50
Absolute value .................... 49
Case ................................... 64
Common logarithm ............ 48
Configuration ................... 621
Database .......................... 181
Determination overview .... 253
Error ................................... 65
Exponential function ........... 47
Fraction .............................. 50
Integer ............................... 50
Natural logarithm ............... 48
NumberToText ................... 56
NumberToTime ................... 56
Overview ............................ 33
Quantiles of the Student's t-dis-
tribution ............................. 52
Rounding integer ................ 51
Sign .................................... 51
Square root ........................ 49
SubText .............................. 62