Metrohm viva 1.0 Manual User Manual
Page 680

6.5 Solutions subwindow
viva 1.0
Solution type
Selection of the solution type.
Auxiliary solution | Standard solution
Default value
Auxiliary solution
Dosing unit
Selection of the dosing unit to which the solution is to be assigned. This
assignment can be undone by selecting 'empty'.
'Name of dosing unit' | 'empty'
Default value
Remarks about the solution (e.g. batch number, etc.).
1,000 characters
Name of the manufacturer of the solution.
100 characters
Production date
Date on which the solution was produced. This date can be edited only
for manually added solutions by pressing
Date selection
Monitor solution
on | off (Default value: off)
If this check box is activated, then the working life of the solution is moni-
Working life
Working life of the solution in days. If a value is entered here, then the
Expiry date will be automatically adjusted.
Input range
0 - 999 days
Default value
999 days
Expiry date
Expiry date of the solution. This date can be selected by clicking on
the Select date dialog window. After a date has been entered, the value
for the Working life is automatically adjusted.
Default value
Production date + 999 days