SkyTrak 8042 Service Manual User Manual
Service manual
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- 8990396_C_8042 10042 10054_SkyTrak_Service
- Table of Contents
- Section 1 Safety Practices
- Section 2 General Information and Specifications
- 2.1 8042, 10042, 10054 Component Terminology
- 2.2 Introduction
- 2.3 Torques
- 2.4 Metric Conversion Factors
- 2.5 Specifications
- 2.5.1 Vehicle Dimensions
- 2.5.2 Vehicle Weights
- 2.5.3 Attachment Weights
- 2.5.4 Performance Specifications
- 2.5.5 Hydraulic Cylinder Performance Specifications
- 2.5.6 Electrical System
- 2.5.7 Engine Performance Specifications
- 2.5.8 Fluid and Lubricant Capacities
- 2.5.9 Hydraulic Relief Valve Settings (8042 and 10042)
- 2.5.10 Hydraulic Relief Valve Settings (10054)
- 2.5.11 Tires
- 2.5.12 Miscellaneous Specifications (All Models)
- 2.5.13 Tamper Proofing
- 2.5.14 Fork Ratings
- 2.6 Fluids, Lubricants and Capacities
- 2.7 Cleaning
- 2.8 Replacement
- 2.9 Hoses and Tubes
- 2.10 Bearings
- 2.11 Pressure Testing and Adjustment
- 2.12 After Service Startup and Checks
- 2.12.1 After Service Startup
- 2.12.2 After Electrical Component Service
- 2.12.3 After Hydraulic Component Service
- 2.12.4 After Brake System Service
- 2.12.5 After Fuel System Service
- 2.12.6 After Transmission Service or Replacement
- 2.12.7 After Tire and Wheel Service
- 2.12.8 After Engine Service
- 2.12.9 After Boom Service
- 2.12.10 After Axle Service
- Section 3 Boom
- 3.1 Boom System Component Terminology
- 3.2 Boom System - Three Section Booms (8042 and 10042)
- 3.3 Boom Assembly Maintenance (8042 and 10042)
- 3.4 Boom Chains - Three Section Boom (8042 and 10042)
- 3.5 Boom System - Four Section Boom (10054)
- 3.6 Boom Assembly Maintenance (10054)
- 3.7 Boom Chains - Four Section Boom (10054)
- 3.8 Hose Carrier Assembly - Four Section Boom (10054)
- 3.9 Boom Wear Pads
- 3.10 Quick Attach Assembly
- 3.11 Troubleshooting
- Section 4 Cab and Covers
- 4.1 Operator’s Cab and Covers Component Terminology
- 4.2 Operator’s Cab
- 4.3 Open Cab Components
- 4.3.1 Seat/Seat Belt
- 4.3.2 Steering Wheel, Column and Shifter
- 4.3.3 Steering Column/Valve Replacement
- 4.3.4 Brake Pedal and Valve
- 4.3.5 Throttle Pedal Replacement
- 4.3.6 Joystick Assembly Replacement
- 4.3.7 Auxiliary Hydraulic Joystick Assembly Replacement
- 4.3.8 Electrical Components
- 4.3.9 Miscellaneous Cab Components
- 4.4 Enclosed Cab (Optional) Components
- 4.5 Cab Removal
- 4.6 Cab Installation
- 4.7 Access Panels and Covers
- Section 5 Axles, Drive Shafts, Wheels and Tires
- 5.1 Axle, Drive Shaft and Wheel Component Terminology
- 5.2 General Information
- 5.3 Axle Assemblies
- 5.3.1 Axle Assembly Description
- 5.3.2 Axle Assembly Operation
- 5.3.3 Axle Serial Number Plate
- 5.3.4 Axle Specifications
- 5.3.5 Axle Maintenance
- 5.3.6 Axle Replacement
- 5.3.7 Axle Service and Troubleshooting
- 5.3.8 ZF Axle Repair Manuals
- 5.3.9 Axle Assembly and Drive Shaft Troubleshooting
- 5.3.10 Axle Internal Component Troubleshooting
- 5.4 Drive Shafts
- 5.5 Wheels and Tires
- 5.6 Brakes
- Section 6 Transmission: ZF 4 WG-98 TC
- Section 7A Engine: Cummins 4BT3.9 and 4BTA3.9
- 7A.1 Introduction
- 7A.2 Safety Information
- 7A.3 Engine Serial Number
- 7A.4 Specifications and Maintenance Information
- 7A.5 Standard Practices
- 7A.6 Engine Cooling System
- 7A.7 Engine Electrical System
- 7A.8 Fuel System
- 7A.9 Engine Exhaust System
- 7A.10 Air Cleaner Assembly
- 7A.11 Engine Replacement
- 7A.12 Engine Coupler
- 7A.13 Engine Storage
- 7A.14 Troubleshooting
- Section 7B Engine: Cummins QSB4.5T
- 7B.1 Introduction
- 7B.2 Safety information
- 7B.3 Engine Serial Number
- 7B.4 Specifications and Maintenance Information
- 7B.5 Standard Practices
- 7B.6 Engine Cooling System
- 7B.7 Engine Electrical System
- 7B.8 Fuel System
- 7B.9 Engine Exhaust System
- 7B.10 Air Cleaner Assembly
- 7B.11 Engine Replacement
- 7B.12 Engine Coupler
- 7B.13 Engine Storage
- 7B.14 Troubleshooting
- Section 8 Hydraulic System
- 8.1 Hydraulic Component Terminology
- 8.2 Safety Information
- 8.3 Specifications
- 8.4 Hydraulic Fluid
- 8.5 Hoses, Tube Lines, Fittings, Etc.
- 8.6 Hydraulic Pressure Diagnosis
- 8.7 Hydraulic System Testing
- 8.8 Hydraulic Circuits and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.1 Brake Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.2 Boom Extend Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.3 Boom Retract Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.4 Boom Lift Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.5 Boom Lower Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.6 Frame Sway (Left) and Stabilizer Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.7 Frame Sway (Right) and Stabilizer Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.8 Attachment Tilt (Down) and Slave Cylinder Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.9 Attachment Tilt (Up) and Slave Cylinder Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.10 Pump and Cooling Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.11 Auxiliary Hydraulics Circuit and Troubleshooting (Male Coupler Pressurized)
- 8.8.12 Auxiliary Hydraulics Circuit and Troubleshooting (Female Coupler Pressurized)
- 8.8.13 Outrigger Circuit (Up) and Troubleshooting (10042/10054)
- 8.8.14 Outrigger Circuit (Down) and Troubleshooting (10042/10054)
- 8.8.15 Front-Wheel Steering Circuit (Left Turn) and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.16 Front-Wheel Steering Circuit (Right Turn) and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.17 Four-Wheel Steering Circuit (Left Turn) and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.18 Four-Wheel Steering Circuit (Right Turn) and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.19 Crab Steering Circuit (Left Turn) and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.20 Crab Steering Circuit (Right Turn) and Troubleshooting
- 8.8.21 Brake Circuit Description
- 8.8.22 Boom Extend/Retract Circuit Description
- 8.8.23 Boom Lift/Lower Circuit Description
- 8.8.24 Frame Sway and Stabilizer Circuit Description
- 8.8.25 Attachment Tilt and Slave Circuit Description
- 8.8.26 Pump and Cooling Circuit Description
- 8.8.27 Auxiliary Hydraulics Circuit Description
- 8.8.28 Outrigger Circuit Description (10042/10054)
- 8.8.29 Steering Circuit Descriptions
- 8.9 Four-Wheel Steer Indexing Procedure
- 8.10 Hydraulic Reservoir
- 8.11 Hydraulic System Pump
- 8.12 Valves and Manifolds
- 8.13 Hydraulic Cylinders
- 8.13.1 General Cylinder Disassembly Instructions
- 8.13.2 General Cylinder Cleaning Instructions
- 8.13.3 General Cylinder Assembly Instructions
- 8.13.4 Attachment Tilt Cylinder
- 8.13.5 Slave Cylinders
- 8.13.6 Extend/Retract Cylinder
- 8.13.7 Lift/Lower Cylinder
- 8.13.8 Frame Sway Cylinder
- 8.13.9 Stabil-TRAK Cylinder
- 8.13.10 Outrigger Cylinders (10042/10054)
- 8.13.11 Swing Carriage (Optional)
- 8.13.12 Side Tilt Carriage Cylinder (Optional)
- 8.13.13 Steering Cylinders
- Section 9 Electrical System
- 9.1 Electrical Component Terminology
- 9.1.1 General Overview (Cab Harness)
- 9.1.2 General Overview (Engine Harness) (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030, 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.1.3 General Overview (Engine Harness) (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042 19031 - 19987, 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 8042/10042/10054, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.1.4 General Overview (ECM Cab Harness) (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042 19031 - 19987, 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 8042/10042/10054, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.2 Service Warnings
- 9.3 Specifications
- 9.4 Effective Ground Connections
- 9.5 Wiring Harnesses
- 9.6 Fuses and Relays
- 9.7 Electrical System Troubleshooting
- 9.7.1 Introduction
- 9.7.2 ECM Diagnostic System (8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042 19031 - 19987, 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 8042/10042/10054, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.3 Troubleshooting with a Digital Multimeter (DMM)
- 9.7.4 Probing Electrical Connectors
- 9.7.5 Electrical Symbols Directory
- 9.7.6 8042 Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 13198 Through 18990)
- 9.7.7 8042 Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, Without Lighting Package)
- 9.7.8 8042 Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, With Lighting Package and SN 16783 Through 18990)
- 9.7.9 8042 Cab Harness, Engine Harness & ECM Cab Harness Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 18991 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.10 8042 Cab Harness & Engine Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 18991 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.11 8042 ECM Cab Harness & Engine Harness (SN 18991 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.12 10042 Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 13198 Through 19030)
- 9.7.13 10042 Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, Without Lighting Package)
- 9.7.14 10042 Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, With Lighting Package and SN 16783 Through 19030)
- 9.7.15 10042 Cab Harness, Engine Harness & ECM Cab Harness Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 19031 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.16 10042 Cab Harness & Engine Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 19031 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.17 10042 ECM Cab Harness & Engine Harness (SN 19031 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.18 10054 Cab Harness & Engine Harness Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 13198 Through 19079)
- 9.7.19 10054 Cab Harness & Engine Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, Without Lighting Package)
- 9.7.20 10054 Cab Harness & Engine Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, With Lighting Package and SN 16783 Through 19079)
- 9.7.21 10054 Logic Harness & Boom Extend Interlock Harness Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 13198 Through 19079)
- 9.7.22 10054 Logic Harness & Boom Extend Interlock Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, Without Lighting Package)
- 9.7.23 10054 Logic Harness & Boom Extend Interlock Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, With Lighting Package and SN 16783 Through 17984)
- 9.7.24 10054 Logic Harness & Boom Extend Interlock Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 13198 Through 16782, With Lighting Package and SN 17985 Through 19079)
- 9.7.25 10054 Cab Harness, Engine Harness & ECM Cab Harness Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.26 10054 Cab Harness & Engine Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.27 10054 ECM Cab Harness & Engine Harness (SN 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.28 10054 Logic Harness & Boom Extend Interlock Harness Electrical Schematic Legend (SN 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.29 10054 Logic Harness & Boom Extend Interlock Harness Electrical Schematic (SN 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.30 Wiper/Washer & Heater Harness Electrical Schematic Legend
- 9.7.31 Wiper/Washer & Heater Harness Electrical Schematic
- 9.7.32 Roadlight Harness Electrical Schematic Legend
- 9.7.33 Roadlight Harness Electrical Schematic
- 9.7.34 Worklight Harness Electrical Schematic Legend
- 9.7.35 Worklight Harness Electrical Schematic
- 9.7.36 Engine Start Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 9.7.37 Electronic Throttle Circuit and Troubleshooting (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042 19031 - 19987, 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 8042/10042/10054, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.7.38 Charging Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 9.7.39 Front Steer Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 9.7.40 Four-Wheel Steer Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 9.7.41 Crab Steer Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 9.7.42 10042 Outrigger Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 9.7.43 10054 Outrigger Circuit and Troubleshooting
- 9.7.44 Front Windshield Wiper Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.45 Skylight Wiper Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.46 Front Windshield & Skylight Washer Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.47 Heater Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.48 Roadlights Main Beam Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.49 Roadlights Hazard Lights Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.50 Roadlights Turn Signals Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.51 Roadlights Side & Dipped Beam Lights Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.52 Roadlights Brake Lights Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.53 Roadlights w/Worklights Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.7.54 Worklight (Without Roadlights) Circuit and Troubleshooting (Option)
- 9.8 Transmission Gear Selection Troubleshooting
- 9.8.1 Transmission, Forward First Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030)
- 9.8.2 Transmission, Forward First Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.8.3 Transmission, Forward First Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042, 19031 - 19987 And 8042/10042, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.4 Transmission, Forward First Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.5 Transmission, Forward Second Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030)
- 9.8.6 Transmission, Forward Second Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.8.7 Transmission, Forward Second Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042, 19031 - 19987 And 8042/10042, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.8 Transmission, Forward Second Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.9 Transmission, Forward Third Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030)
- 9.8.10 Transmission, Forward Third Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.8.11 Transmission, Forward Third Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042, 19031 - 19987 And 8042/10042, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.12 Transmission, Forward Third Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.13 Transmission, Forward Fourth Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030)
- 9.8.14 Transmission, Forward Fourth Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.8.15 Transmission, Forward Fourth Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042, 19031 - 19987 And 8042/10042, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.16 Transmission, Forward Fourth Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.17 Transmission, Reverse First Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030)
- 9.8.18 Transmission, Reverse First Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.8.19 Transmission, Reverse First Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042, 19031 - 19987 And 8042/10042, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.20 Transmission, Reverse First Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.21 Transmission, Reverse Second Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030)
- 9.8.22 Transmission, Reverse Second Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.8.23 Transmission, Reverse Second Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042, 19031 - 19987 And 8042/10042, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.24 Transmission, Reverse Second Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.25 Transmission, Reverse Third Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042 13198 - 19030)
- 9.8.26 Transmission, Reverse Third Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.8.27 Transmission, Reverse Third Gear Circuit, (SN 8042, 18991 - 19987, 10042, 19031 - 19987 And 8042/10042, 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.28 Transmission, Reverse Third Gear Circuit, (SN 10054, 19080 - 19987 And 0160002332 & After)
- 9.8.29 Dash Panel Warning Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.30 Engine Alternator Charging Warning Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.31 Engine Coolant Temperature Warning Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.32 Transmission Temperature Warning Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.33 Hydraulic Oil Temperature Warning Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.34 Park Brake Warning Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.35 Engine Oil Pressure Warning Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.36 Fuel Level Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.37 Hourmeter Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.8.38 Stabil-TRAK™ Indicator Troubleshooting
- 9.9 Engine Start Circuit
- 9.10 Charging Circuit
- 9.11 Electrical System Components
- 9.12 Window Wiper/Washer (Option)
- 9.13 Cab Heater and Fan (Option)
- 9.14 Switches and Solenoids
- 9.14.1 Ignition Key Switch
- 9.14.2 Fuel Shut-off Solenoid (SN 8042, 13198 - 18990, 10042, 13198 - 19030, 10054, 13198 - 19079)
- 9.14.3 Hydraulic Oil Temperature Switch
- 9.14.4 Park Brake Switch
- 9.14.5 Outrigger Switches (10042/10054 Only)
- 9.14.6 Transmission Shift Control Switch
- 9.14.7 Transmission Solenoid Valves
- 9.14.8 Steering
- 9.14.9 Steer Select Switches
- 9.14.10 Steer Select Valve
- 9.14.11 Engine Low Oil Pressure Sender
- 9.14.12 Engine Coolant High Temperature Sender
- 9.14.13 Transmission Temperature Sender
- 9.14.14 Engine Block Heater
- 9.14.15 Fuel Level Indicator and Fuel Level Sender
- 9.14.16 Hourmeter
- 9.14.17 Boom Angle Sensor Removal and Replacement
- 9.14.18 Boom Extend Interlock Sensor Removal/Replacement (10054 Only)
- 9.14.19 Service Brake Switch
- 9.1 Electrical Component Terminology
- Section 10 Stabil-TRAK™ System and Boom Interlock System
- 10.1 Stabil-TRAK™ System Component Terminology
- 10.2 Boom Extend Interlock System Component Terminology (10054 Only)
- 10.3 Stabil-TRAK™ Description
- 10.4 Stabil-TRAK™ Operation
- 10.5 Boom Extend Interlock System Description
- 10.6 Boom Extend Interlock System Operation (10054 Only)
- 10.7 Stabil-TRAK™ Electrical Circuit Operation and Troubleshooting (8042/10042)
- 10.8 Stabil-TRAK™ System Test
- 10.8.1 Stabil-TRAK™ System Test Instructions
- 10.8.2 Stabil-TRAK™ System Test Procedures
- a. Place the vehicle on a level surface with 0˚ sway.
- b. Have the boom fully retracted and horizontal.
- c. Place an 8" (203 mm) wood or cement block in front of the front left tire.
- d. Enter the vehicle.
- e. Fasten the seat belt.
- f. Turn the key to the RUN position.
- g. Check to be sure the Stabil-TRAK™ light is OFF.
- a. Start the engine.
- b. Turn the parking brake switch OFF.
- c. Move the range select lever to (1) FIRST gear.
- d. Move the travel select lever to the (F) FORWARD position.
- e. Drive the vehicle up on the block.
- f. Use the frame sway control to level the vehicle back to 0˚.
- a. Depress the service brake pedal.
- b. Move the travel select lever to the (N) NEUTRAL position.
- c. Raise the boom to exactly 60˚. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should come ON when the boom angle is at about 40˚ and remain ON.
- a. Use your left foot to depress the service brake pedal.
- b. With the range select lever in (2) SECOND gear, move the travel select lever to the (R) REVERSE position.
- c. Ease your left foot partially off the service brake pedal, make sure that the Stabil-TRAK™ light remains ON.
- d. With your right foot, increase the engine rpm slightly, as necessary, just enough to back the vehicle off the block. While backing off the block, the front left tire should remain off the ground.
- a. Keep the service brake pedal depressed.
- b. Move the travel select lever to the (N) NEUTRAL position.
- c. Take your foot off the service brake pedal. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should remain ON and the front left tire should remain off the ground.
- a. With the travel select lever in the (N) NEUTRAL position, engage the parking brake switch.
- b. Move the travel select lever to the (F) FORWARD position. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should remain ON and the front left tire should remain off the ground.
- a. With the parking brake switch ON, move the travel select lever to the (N) NEUTRAL position.
- b. Lower the boom to exactly 45˚.
- c. Frame sway the vehicle no more than 5˚ to the left.
- d. Frame sway the vehicle back to 0˚.
- e. Frame sway the vehicle no more than 5˚ to the right.
- f. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should remain ON and the front left tire should remain off the ground. The front left tire should not raise or lower during frame sway.
- g. Frame sway back toward 0˚, leaving the vehicle swayed to the right approximately 1˚ to 2˚.
- a. Depress the service brake pedal.
- b. Disengage the parking brake switch.
- c. With the range select lever in (1) FIRST gear, move the travel select lever to the (R) REVERSE position.
- d. Release the service brake pedal to deactivate the Stabil-TRAK™ system.
- e. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should go OFF.
- f. The front left tire should return to the ground while the vehicle travels in reverse.
- g. Depress the service brake pedal to stop the vehicle.
- a. With the service brake pedal depressed and the boom angle at exactly 45˚, move the range select lever to (3) THIRD gear.
- b. Move the travel select lever to (F) FORWARD.
- c. Release the service brake pedal to deactivate the Stabil-TRAK™ system. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should go OFF.
- d. Slowly drive the vehicle forward against the block to stop the vehicle from moving forward.
- e. With the front left tire against the block, frame sway the vehicle no more than 5˚ to the left.
- f. Check that the front left tire remains on the ground. It is normal for the front left tire to raise slightly when swaying to the left, but the tire should immediately lower when the frame sway function is stopped.
- g. Frame sway the vehicle back to 0˚ and pause briefly.
- h. Frame sway the vehicle no more than 5˚ to the right.
- i. Check that the front right tire remains on the ground. It is normal for the front right tire to raise slightly when swaying to the right, but the tire should immediately lower when the frame sway function is stopped.
- j. Frame sway the vehicle back to 0˚.
- k. Depress the service brake pedal.
- l. Shift the travel select lever to (N) NEUTRAL.
- m. Lower the boom.
- 10.9 Stabil-TRAK™ Boom Interlock Electrical Circuit Operation and Troubleshooting (10054, 13198-17984)
- 10.10 Stabil-TRAK™ Boom Interlock Electrical Circuit Operation and Troubleshooting (10054, 17985-19987 and 0160002332 & After)
- 10.11 Boom/Outrigger Interlock System Test
- 10.11.1 System Test Procedures
- a. Place the vehicle with no load on a hard, level surface such as blacktop or concrete.
- b. Fasten your seat belt.
- a. With the outriggers in the raised position and the boom in a horizontal position, extend the boom. The boom should extend unt...
- b. Attempt to frame sway the vehicle to the right and left; it should frame sway normally.
- a. Lower both outriggers to the ground. DO NOT lift the front wheels of the vehicle off the ground at this time. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should come ON when the outriggers are lowered.
- b. With the boom still in a horizontal position, extend the boom.
- c. Attempt to raise both outriggers; they should not rise. If the outriggers rise, STOP and retract the boom and have the system repaired before using the vehicle again.
- d. If the outriggers cannot be raised, attempt to lower the outriggers fully until both front wheels are off the ground; the outriggers should lower.
- a. Place the travel select lever in the (F) FORWARD position and the gear select lever in the (1) FIRST gear position.
- b. Attempt to accelerate the vehicle; the vehicle should not move.
- c. If the vehicle attempts to move, STOP and have the system repaired before using the vehicle again.
- a. Attempt to frame sway the vehicle to the right and left; it should frame sway, but at a slower speed than normal.
- b. The Stabil-TRAK™ light should remain ON.
- c. Return the vehicle to a level position.
- a. Place the travel select lever in the (N) NEUTRAL position, move the neutral lock lever to the NEUTRAL LOCK position.
- b. Fully retract the boom.
- c. Raise the outriggers.
- d. Engage the parking brake switch, shut the engine OFF and remove the key.
- e. Exit the vehicle using both handholds.
- 10.11.1 System Test Procedures
- 10.12 Stabil-TRAK™ Hydraulic Circuit Operation and Troubleshooting
- 10.12.1 Troubleshooting Symptom Chart
- 10.12.2 Stabil-TRAK™ Cylinder Oil Flow
- 10.12.3 Hydraulic Circuit Operation - FREE PIVOT Mode, Rod Oil Out
- 10.12.4 Hydraulic Troubleshooting - FREE PIVOT Mode, Rod Oil Out
- 10.12.5 Hydraulic Circuit Operation - FREE PIVOT Mode, Base Oil Out
- 10.12.6 Hydraulic Troubleshooting - FREE PIVOT Mode, Base Oil Out
- 10.12.7 Hydraulic Circuit Operation - SLOW PIVOT Mode, Rod Oil Out
- 10.12.8 Hydraulic Troubleshooting - SLOW PIVOT Mode, Rod Oil Out
- 10.12.9 Hydraulic Circuit Operation - SLOW PIVOT Mode, Base Oil Out
- 10.12.10 Hydraulic Troubleshooting - SLOW PIVOT Mode, Base Oil Out
- 10.12.11 Hydraulic Circuit Operation - LOCKED MODE
- 10.12.12 Hydraulic Circuit Operation - LOCKED MODE, Frame Sway Right
- 10.12.13 Hydraulic Troubleshooting - LOCKED MODE, Will Not Frame Sway Right
- 10.12.14 Hydraulic Circuit Operation - LOCKED MODE, Frame Sway Left
- 10.12.15 Hydraulic Troubleshooting - LOCKED MODE, Will Not Frame Sway Left
- 10.13 Boom Extend System Hydraulic Circuit Operation and Troubleshooting