Triton Isis User Manual
Page 83

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 1
Baud Rate: 4800 and 9600 (commonly used by GPS receivers)
Data Bits: 8
Parity: NONE
Stop Bits: 1
• Navigation/Telemetry Template
(buttons and text area)
— If any
template has been specified, its name appears here, in which case it
becomes the template Isis uses to parse the incoming
navigation/telemetry strings for this port. Figure 4-6 shows the telemetry
template that appears when HYPACK has been selected. Refer to
Appendix D, ‘Serial Interfaces,’
for guidelines on building a
template. As a setup convenience, if you click on any of the
Navigation/Telemetry Template buttons, Isis will insert the chosen
template name into this template text box and use it with the assigned
serial port.
The following templates are available from the buttons in this area:
• SeaBat #1, #2. The templates for the Reson single-head (#1) and
dual-head (#2), multibeam bathymetric profilers, respectively.
• EchoScan. The template for the Odom EchoScan multibeam data.
• ELAC. The template for the Elac Bottomchart.
• NMEA0183. This template specifies the automatic interpretation of
some standard NMEA0183 formats received by Isis over a serial
port. Refer to
‘How Isis Works with NMEA0183 Strings’
Appendix D
of the Isis User’s Manual, Volume 2, for a discussion
of the NMEA0183 interface.
• HYPACK. The template corresponds to HYPACK’s isis.dll serial port
interface. HYPACK is a product of Coastal Oceanographics.
When running HYPACK and Isis on the same computer, do not
specify a serial port for HYPACK. Use the Configure→HYPACK DDE menu
setup instead.
• TSS. The template for the TSS brand of a motion reference unit.
• POS/MV. POS/MV template for a TSS motion reference unit. This
supports the Simrad.
If you select POS/MV, a warning is displayed that the attitude
should be in SIMRAD sonar format.
• Seatex MRU. The template for the Seatex motion reference unit.
Chapter4: Setting Up Isis to Record Data