3 features, 4 setting up tape to record or playback – Triton Isis User Manual
Page 47

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1
Recording can resume by positioning the tape past a filemark before starting
Record mode or before copying a file from disk to tape. At that point, data
can be appended to the tape.
3.2.3 Features
While recording to a tape drive, you can zoom (log contacts) exactly as
though you were storing to hard disk. Also, one or two tape drives can be
used in a “round robin” fashion such that no data is lost when switching
tapes. With this technique, data logging can theoretically continue
indefinitely as long as the operator continues to insert fresh tapes into the
tape drive. A tape that is partially full can also have data appended to it.
3.2.4 Setting Up Tape to Record or Playback
The tape drive control software copies the current file to the tape drive as
the file is being written to by Isis. When recording or playing back, the tape
drive control software treats the hard disk file as a “temporary” file and
deletes it after the data are safely stored on tape. (You can override this
delete option.) Thus, the system hard disk is used as a cache for the tape
Tape set-up in Isis is a one-time task. Once you set it, you shouldn’t have to
do to it again until you want to change a value set there.
Do not leave a tape in your drive while shutting down
your system. If you leave a tape in the drive during a
system shutdown, the next time you use Isis to
operate your tape drive your system might not be able
to find your “end of file” mark on the tape, where new
recording can begin. If there is a tape in your tape
drive, please eject it before you power down your
Never transport or move an Isis computer system with
a tape in an Exabyte tape drive! You run the risk of
severely damaging the drive!
Chapter 3: Using the File Menu