Triton Isis User Manual

Page 240

background image

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1


Calculated from (mutually exclusive choices)


Click to darken
or clear a
numbered radio

Calculates subbottom distance based on
location (northings and eastings or lat./lon.) of
reflector in data stream.


Click to darken
or clear a
numbered radio

Calculates subbottom distance based on
kilometers of pipe tracked.

Include in Output File (all choices inclusive)

Line Name

Check or
uncheck the box.

Includes name of the data imagery being
played back or saved.

Date and Time Check or

uncheck the box.

Includes date and time recorded in the data
imagery file.

Event Number Check or

uncheck the box.

Includes event numbers, if any, that were
recorded in the data imagery file.

Position Check


uncheck the box.

Includes subbottom distance based on
location (northings and eastings or lat./lon.) of
reflector in data stream.

KP Check


uncheck the box.

Includes subbottom distance based on
kilometers of pipe tracked.

For each reflector include (all choices inclusive)

Reflector number Check or

uncheck the box.


For future release. Will allow viewing playback
file of tracked data.

ASCII Reflector
Description (D)

Check or
uncheck the box.

The description you may have assigned to this
set of reflectors will be flagged with the letter
D next to the reflector’s description in the
output file.

Chapter 9: Using the Tools Menu