3 playing back a series of data sets – Triton Isis User Manual
Page 43

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1
Choose File
The playback starts over again from the end of the file to the start.
3.1.3 Playing Back a Series of Data Sets
Starting with Isis version 4.52, Isis has limited support for playing back files
in batches, or sets. An Isis batch file is identified with the file type extension
RUN and contains a list of file types Isis can recognize. When Isis opens a
RUN file, all files in the set play back, one after the other, until all files in the
set have been played or until you have pressed [End] to terminate the
playing back of these files.
You can also daisy-chain RUN files. Simply specify another RUN file name
at the end of one RUN file to reference the next. You can even specify the
current RUN name to loop a series of files. That is, if a RUN file contains a
reference to a RUN file, program control will be transferred to the named
RUN file when it is encountered by Isis in the listing. However, you cannot
nest RUN files (control cannot return implicitly to a RUN file that contains
another RUN file). This means that if a RUN file contains a reference to
another RUN file, and there are directory entries beneath the named RUN
file, they will not be played back. For this reason, any reference in a RUN
file to another RUN file should always be placed at the end of whatever
RUN file contains the reference to the second RUN file.
The principal reason for using Isis batch processing is related to mosaicking.
Batch processing in Isis gives you control over the order of files that you intend
to play back when you make a mosaic, rather than relying only on the order in
which you recorded your data during your survey operation. Specifying the
order can be important if you anticipate that some of your imagery in earlier-
recorded lines may be masked or occluded by overlapping imagery occurring in
later-recorded lines.
For example, consider the contents of this RUN file:
If you played back this file in Isis, after Isis finished playing back
Furgbump.XTF and wallsnip.XTF, program control would transfer to
rundat.RUN. Furthermore, if the name of this RUN file was the same as the
batch file that began this playing back these files (in this case, rundat.RUN),
Chapter 3: Using the File Menu