1 waterfall – Triton Isis User Manual

Page 244

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 1


Horizontal lines in the list of Window submenus separate groups of things:

• The top section lists window types (Waterfall, Wiggle, Signal,

Bathymetry, Graph, and Text). Window subtypes (Across Waterfall,
Down Waterfall, etc.) can be accessed from the arrows to the right of the
listed window types.

• The middle section contains window management commands

(Orientation, Tile, etc.). These are the standard Windows commands for
arranging the open windows. The same concepts apply to arranging data
display windows within the Isis main window.

• The bottom section has a command for restarting your data imagery

playback and a command for setting up the type of window for
displaying your imagery .

In Playback or Record mode, windows can be opened by selecting the window
type and subtype. An unlimited number of windows can be open at one time.

Get the position of a target or feature in a Waterfall window by
positioning the cursor over the feature and clicking once on the
left trackball button.

10.1 Waterfall

Waterfall windows display pseudo-colored image intensity. This is the ideal
window type for displaying side-scan sonar imagery. Waterfall window subtypes
are Down and Across.

Whether a waterfall window scrolls down or across, you can access a panel of
information about your waterfall imagery by right-clicking once. When you do, Isis
displays a panel like the one shown in Figure 10-2.

You can instruct Isis to correct the display of any subbottom channel for
variations in towfish depth. Refer to

‘Depth Delay and Duration’ (8.2)



To see or adjust display settings for a common waterfall image

1. Put your trackball’s pointer anywhere in a waterfall window whose

characteristics you want displayed.

2. Press the right trackball button.

The system presents a dialog box (Figure 10-2).

Chapter 10: Using the Window Menu