1 directory for cue confidence files (ccd), 2 display boxes with confidence levels (slidebar) – Triton Isis User Manual

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1


Figure 6-13: ADDS Support dialog box

6.10.1 Directory for Cue Confidence files (CCD)

This specifies the directory that Isis looks to for the CCD files. The name of
the CCD file must have the same base name as the XTF or DAT file being
played back. For example, if PR1648.XTF is being played, then the CCD file
must be named PR1648.CCD and reside in the selected directory.

6.10.2 Display Boxes with Confidence Levels

The CCD files contain a confidence rating for each cue box (0 255). The
value 0 is a special case, and is selected via a check box. The other 255
settings can be progressively selected into the display via this scrollbar.
Note that when Cues are turned on, Isis automatically checks the Show
Cueing boxes
items in ViewOverlay.
When a file is selected for playback, the matching CCD file is located,
opened, and read. The cueing boxes are then sorted in chronological order
so they may be overlaid on the imagery as it scrolls. The maximum number

Chapter 6: Using the Configure Menu