2 fft – Triton Isis User Manual
Page 254

June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 1
Table 10-3 explains the options available to you in the Voltage Display
dialog box.
Table 10-3. Voltage display parameters
Select Channel When you open a Voltage window, the first available channel is
displayed by default. Clicking in the selection boxes toggles
channels on and off for the Voltage window. Any number of
available channels can be displayed.
Select a color for the signal line and one for the background.
Each color can be bright or dim. Colors for the grid and text can
be specified with Grid Colors in the Color menu.
Display Type The vertical scale on a Voltage window can be Linear or
Logarithmic. The linear scale represents volts and the log scale
represents decibels (i.e., 20 log V).
Moving the box upward on the vertical Scale slide bar increases
the vertical exaggeration of the voltage display. The number to
the right of the slide bar indicates the vertical size of each grid
cell. For a linear display, the Scale slide bar goes from zero volts
per division at the top one volt per division at the bottom. For a
log display, the Scale slide bar goes from zero dB at the top to
20 dB at the bottom.
Grid Color
You can set your voltage grid colors and scale lines to any of
eight colors. You can also hide or unhide event marks.
10.3.2 FFT
The FFT (Fast Fourier Transforms) choice is grayed out and thus is not
available in the current version of Isis.
Chapter 10: Using the Window Menu