1 working at the basic level of compensation – Triton Isis User Manual

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1


angle compensation and what you will see in your imagery.
Although the operational levels are not labeled as Basic, Middle, and Full
in the dialog box, you use the dialog box’s Options button to choose a
level you want. You then choose Do It to have Isis use your chosen
options for the level you selected. Working at the Basic Level of Compensation

Basic level provides you with the most automated way of deriving angle
To acquire beam angle compensation from the basic level

1. Click in a waterfall window.
2. Choose the Beam Angle, Grazing Angle dialog box from the Tools menu.

The BAC and GAC dialog box initially appears without any options
displayed. In basic level, only BAC is available.

3. In the waterfall window that is to have the compensation applied to it,

left-click the trackball.

4. In the Beam Angle, Grazing Angle dialog box, click Do it. If you have not

yet clicked in a waterfall window, Isis reminds you that you must “First
click in the waterfall window to be corrected. Your actions will then apply
to that window.”
Isis automatically calculates your beam angle compensation and applies
the compensation to your data imagery without waiting for any more
input from you.
After the beam angle compensation is calculated, it stays on for the
selected window until the dialog box is closed.

Information appearing in

‘Parts of the Dialog Box

Common to All Levels’

also can affect this level of


Chapter 9: Using the Tools Menu