14 security (record/playback) – Triton Isis User Manual

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1


If you want to have multiple configurations, simply create multiple Isis shortcut
icons. For each icon, set the shortcut properties so that the shortcut points to a
unique CFG file name. For example, after creating a new Isis shortcut icon,
modify the shortcut properties so that the Target field associated with the
shortcut reads ISIS.EXE /CFG=ISIS1.CFG. This will cause the new icon to load
ISIS1.CFG as the configuration file, rather than the default of ISIS.CFG. This
way, multiple icons can be created to identify multiple configurations. (For
general information about creating shortcuts or working from the DOS prompt,
refer to “Providing Runtime Parameters to Isis” on page 18.)

6.14 Security (Record/Playback)

If you choose this option, the system interrogates the software sentinel (dongle)
currently in use when running Isis and then lists the options that are permitted to
run with your Isis software. Figure 6-16 shows a typical listing of security settings
in the Security dialog box that supports an existing Isis system.

The Feature Unlock Code text area at the bottom of the Security dialog box is
used when you are adding one or more features to an existing system. In that
scenario, you would contact Triton Elics International to get the password code
that would unlock the feature or features, thus making it (or them) available for
your system.

Chapter 6: Using the Configure Menu