6 graph, 1 pitch, roll, heave – Triton Isis User Manual
Page 267
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 1
color-coded, with the color-code values also displayed in the right-click setup
dialog box.
10.6 Graph
Isis can graph many aspects of your towfish, navigation, telemetry, auxiliary,
magnetometer, and CTD data. Graphed data give you an excellent way to see
what kind of steps you might want to take to correct for a variety of conditions
you might encounter in your data survey. By analyzing and acting upon your
graphs, you can improve your chances for getting the best possible data during
your survey.
10.6.1 Pitch, Roll, Heave
Ideally, you want to minimize unwanted towfish motion, such as pitch, roll,
yaw, and heave. You can use Isis to graph these motions and thus reveal
which motion (or combination of motions) may be adversely affecting your
towfish’s straight-line movement. Choose Window→Graph→Pitch, Roll
and Heave and right-click in the graph area to set up this kind of sensor
graphing. A sample graph and its controlling dialog box is shown in
Figure 10-16.
Figure 10-16: Sample towfish motion data (left) and its dialog box
Chapter 10: Using the Window Menu