1 target, 2 target setup – Triton Isis User Manual

Page 161

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1


9.1 Target

The Target command runs the Target utility for feature mensuration, logging and
recall. If the program is already running when Target is selected from the Isis
Tools menu, the Target utility becomes the active Windows application.
Target is also initiated if you position the cursor over a Waterfall window and
double-left-click. This action causes Isis to define an area of imagery, centered
about the cursor location, that is of the size you defined with the Target Setup
command (see 9.2, “Target Setup”). This area of imagery is displayed as a
contact in full resolution in the Target main window.

Refer to

Appendix E, ‘Using the Target Utility’

, in Isis Sonar User’s

Manual, Volume 2

, also from Triton Elics International, for a complete description

of the Target utility and its use.

9.2 Target


The Target Setup command (from the main menu: Tools→Target Setup) allows
you to

• specify the size of the contact image area that will automatically be

transferred to the Target or TargetPro utility for mensuration and
storage, and

• choose which version of the Target utility (target.exe or targetpro.exe)

to use.

You use the original target.exe (which comes with Isis) if your target collecting
and logging needs are light. Although target.exe does not have as much
functionality as the newer targetpro.exe program, target.exe is smaller and
faster than targetpro.exe.

On the other hand, targetpro.exe, which Triton Elics sells as a separate option,
has many tools for modifying and enhancing captured target images. If your
target images need this kind of treatment, targetpro.exe is the best choice to
make in the Target Setup dialog box of Isis.

Chapter 9: Using the Tools Menu