Triton Isis User Manual

Page 208

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1


Table 9-4. Options for Beam Angle Compensation

Collect Statistics,
Correct Image, and

These are the same for full level as they are for middle level

‘Working at the Middle Level of Compensation’

on page 191).


Choose between Beam Pattern (Beam Angle) and Grazing
Angle compensations.

Across-Track Slope In order to calculate accurate beam angle and grazing angle

compensations, the across-track slope must be specified.
Zero slope is at the center of the slide bar. The direction of
the arrows on the slide bar indicates the up direction. The
distance from the center corresponds to the size of the slope

Gain Adjust

Use the Gain Adjust box to adjust the relative gain of port
and starboard channels. You can do this manually or let Isis
do it automatically. Any adjustment is incorporated into the

8. Automatic: The relative average intensity of any pair of

port and starboard channels is tracked for beam
angle compensation statistics. When the BAC is
calculated, any necessary gain adjustment is
included in the compensation.

9. Manual: Move the slide bar to the right to increase gain

or to the left decrease gain of either the port or
starboard channel. Any gain adjustment that is set at
the time that the beam angle compensation is
calculated is incorporated into that compensation.

Save Corrections

Once a beam angle or grazing angle compensation has been
calculated, the compensation can be saved in a BAC or GAC
file for later use in VISTA or with another imagery data file.
Use the Save Compensations button for this purpose.

Load Corrections

If you wish to use a stored beam pattern file or previously
calculated BAC or GAC, the path and name of that file can
be specified using the Load Compensations button.

Chapter 9: Using the Tools Menu