2 working at the middle level of compensation – Triton Isis User Manual

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June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume1

192 Working at the Middle Level of Compensation

Middle level gives you more control than basic level but not as much control
as full level in the task of collecting statistics and calculating a beam angle

To acquire angle compensation from the middle level

1. Click in a waterfall window.
2. Choose the Beam Angle, Grazing Angle dialog box from the Tools menu.
3. Click

Options once.

4. Choose

Collect Statistics or Correct Image or Off.

Collect Statistics. The Collect Statistics button initiates the collection of

statistics for imagery channels displayed in the selected waterfall
window. As the statistics are collected, Isis displays a graph of the
running average of voltage versus angle off vertical. In addition, the
minimum and maximum encountered altitude are updated as collection

Correct Image. This causes Isis to use the statistics collected thus far to

calculate a compensation for the imagery channels displayed in the
selected waterfall window. Click on this button after the voltage curves
have smoothed and the minimum and maximum altitudes span the range
of altitudes encountered within the file or survey.

Off. The Off button turns the current compensation off. When all

compensations are off, the Status box will display the Idle message.

5. Choose

Do It

The system produces the beam angle compensation using whatever
parameter you specified in step 3.

Information appearing in

‘Parts of the Dialog Box Common to All


also can affect this level of operation.

Chapter 9: Using the Tools Menu