Advanced tcp/ip settings -1 – Avery Dennison 9840 Technical Reference Manual User Manual
Page 69
Advanced TCP/IP Settings
A D V A N C E D T C P / I P S E T T I N G S
This chapter explains how to set printer security and distribute the load
between printers.
P r i n t e r S e c u r i t y f o r T C P / I P P r i n t i n g
To control access to TCP/IP printers, Monarch print servers allow you to
restrict printing to specified ranges of source addresses. If a print job is sent
to the print server from an IP address that is not in one of these secure
address ranges, the job will be refused.
To configure secure address ranges, open to the TCP/IP Configuration page
in WebView and click the TCP/IP Security button. Enter the IP address
ranges that are allowed to print to the printers and click Submit.
T C P / I P L o a d B a l a n c i n g
Using this feature, administrators can distribute the print load between
several attached printers.
To use TCP/IP load balancing, enter multiple output ports in the LPR remote
queue name separated by the | character. For example, if you wanted the
print job to print out on the first printer available on output port 1 or output
port 2, use the remote queue name “p1|p2” (including quotes).