Avery Dennison 9840 Technical Reference Manual User Manual

Page 48

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1-34 MonarchNet for TCP/IP

Search Methods


This method searches the bindery to locate all Monarch
devices on the network. All the print servers that respond
are placed in the list. If you have a large number of print
servers on your local network and wish to minimize network
traffic, this option should not be selected.


This method adds specific print servers (or groups of print
servers) to the list. If you have print servers that are not on
the local network (i.e. across routers), the address of each
must be entered in order to locate the print server and insert
it into the list. Select Add to enter these addresses into the
Specified Devices/Networks field.

M o n a r c h N e t f o r T C P / I P S o r t s

MonarchNet for TCP/IP allows users to create customized views of the print
server list to fit their own needs. The Sort tab allows the list of print servers
to be sorted as defined. The defined sort criteria can be stored in a view and
selected as needed.

Before selecting the sort criteria, select the name of the view you wish to edit
from the Name field. If you wish to create a new view, select the New option
from the View menu.


A sort option can be used to display the print server list in a specific order.
This is done by selecting the Sort option from the View menu and specifying
the sort type. You can also specify a sort order by clicking on the column
heading by which you wish to sort the list. A sort order can only be defined
on columns that are displayed on the main screen.