Avery Dennison Monarch 9864 Error Messages User Manual
Error messages

05/08 Rev. AB
Error Messages
9844 – 9854 – 9864
Error Messages
General information about error messages ... 6
Display of errors and status........................ 6
Acknowledging status messages ............... 6
General software errors.............................. 7
Unspecific errors ........................................ 7
Unlisted Error Codes .................................. 7
Listing of all Status reports............................. 8
No new command ......................... 8
Parameter Table............................ 8
Comm. sorting ............................... 8
Too many slashes ......................... 8
Slash w/o param............................ 8
2 same commands ........................ 8
Letter incorrect .............................. 8
Command incorr............................ 8
Subcomm. incorr. .......................... 9
Param. tab inc. .............................. 9
#ER x #Q !................................... 9
#ER missing .................................. 9
#IM x #Q !.................................... 9
Comm. flag inc. ............................. 9
Uninit integer ................................. 9
Uninit float ................................... 10
Uninit string ................................. 10
Uninit discr................................... 10
Too many discr............................ 10
Uninit BCD para. ......................... 10
Too much image.......................... 10
Uninit image par .......................... 10
Too many files ............................. 11
Uninit File Para............................ 11
Com. too long .............................. 11
Com twice there .......................... 11
Comm. w/o. flag .......................... 11
Uninit parameter.......................... 11
Parameter uninit .......................... 11
Param. incorr............................... 11
Command incorr.......................... 12
Too many slashes ....................... 12
Incorrect char. ............................. 12
Uninit flash par ............................ 12
Uninit restrict ............................... 12
Uninit combi .................................12
Wrong combi para........................12
Software error ..............................12
Software error ..............................13
OLV not active .............................13
No realtimeclock ..........................13
Seek Fkt. Error.............................13
Incomplete Job.............................13
Wrong var field.............................13
Rename file..................................13
Delete file .....................................14
More than 3 figs ...........................14
Out of memory .............................14
File end ........................................14
Opening Bracket ..........................14
Closing Bracket............................14
Para: No Value.............................14
No Default Value..........................14
< Limit value.................................15
> Limit value.................................15
Incorr. logo no. .............................15
Logo exists...................................15
Creating logo................................15
Rename logo................................15
Logo file .......................................15
Delete error ..................................16
File creation .................................16
File format ....................................16
File exists .....................................16
Float overflow...............................16
Combi overflow ............................16
Line too long ................................16
Para. incorr. Bl .............................16
Integer overflow ...........................17
String too long..............................17
X Pos > width ...............................17
X Pos < zero ................................17
Y Pos > length .............................17
Y Pos < zero ................................17
Max width: right............................17
Document Outline
- General information about error messages
- Listing of all Status reports
- 1000 No new command
- 1001 Parameter Table
- 1002 Comm. sorting
- 1003 Too many slashes
- 1004 Slash w/o param.
- 1005 2 same commands
- 1006 Letter incorrect
- 1007 Command incorr.
- 1008 Subcomm. incorr.
- 1009 Param. tab inc.
- 1010 #ER x #Q !
- 1011 #ER missing
- 1012 #IM x #Q !
- 1013 Comm. flag inc.
- 1014 Uninit integer
- 1015 Uninit float
- 1016 Uninit string
- 1017 Uninit discr
- 1018 Too many discr
- 1019 Uninit BCD para.
- 1020 Too much image
- 1021 Uninit image par
- 1022 Too many files
- 1023 Uninit File Para
- 1024 Com. too long
- 1025 Com twice there
- 1026 Comm. w/o. flag
- 1027 Uninit parameter
- 1028 Parameter uninit
- 1029 Param. incorr.
- 1030 Command incorr.
- 1031 Too many slashes
- 1032 Incorrect char.
- 1033 Uninit flash par
- 1034 Uninit restrict
- 1035 Uninit combi
- 1036 Wrong combi para
- 1037 Software error
- 1038 Software error
- 1087 OLV not active
- 1088 No realtimeclock
- 1089 Seek Fkt. Error
- 1090 Incomplete Job
- 1091 Wrong var field
- 1092 Rename file
- 1093 Delete file
- 1094 More than 3 figs
- 1097 Out of memory
- 1099 File end
- 1110 Opening Bracket
- 1111 Closing Bracket
- 1112 Para: No Value
- 1113 No Default Value
- 1114 < Limit value
- 1115 > Limit value
- 1120 Incorr. logo no.
- 1121 Logo exists
- 1122 Creating logo
- 1123 Rename logo
- 1124 Logo file
- 1125 Delete error
- 1126 File creation
- 1127 File format
- 1128 File exists
- 1130 Float overflow
- 1131 Combi overflow
- 1140 Line too long
- 1141 Para. incorr. Bl
- 1150 Integer overflow
- 1160 String too long
- 1170 X Pos > width
- 1171 X Pos < zero
- 1172 Y Pos > length
- 1173 Y Pos < zero
- 1174 Max width: right
- 1175 Max width: left
- 1176 Max length: top
- 1177 Max length: bot.
- 1178 x Dots < zero
- 1200 GetRLE reset st
- 1201 GetRLE error st
- 1210 itoa Short Strin
- 1240 New FS>E
- 1241 New Read Pointer
- 1242 New FE in job
- 1243 New delete order
- 1244 New wrong pos.
- 1245 New no space
- 1246 New HP no space
- 1247 Out of memory
- 1260 TimeDate string
- 1270 #-comm. invalid
- 1272 Wrong #!..
- 1273 Wrong #!C..
- 1276 #!P wrong number
- 1277 Wrong #!S..
- 1278 Wrong #!X..
- 1279 #!X wrong number
- 1282 Spooler FB > L
- 1285 #!-comm. incorr.
- 1290 Label limit
- 1291 Draw field
- 1300 Invalid Command
- 1301 Table full
- 1310 Wrong Field ID
- 1320 No Default Value
- 1321 Bar Code Object
- 1322 Logo Object
- 1323 Line Object
- 1324 Rectangle Object
- 1325 Truedoc Object
- 1326 Fix Field Creati
- 1327 Update Field Cre
- 1328 Var Field Creati
- 1329 Count Field Crea
- 1330 Create clk. field
- 1331 Field type inv.
- 1332 Field length inc.
- 1333 Logo not there
- 1334 #YV Data incorr.
- 1335 #YV Field cont.
- 1336 #YV no. incorr.
- 1390 Web width zero
- 1391 Web > Width
- 1392 Job memory full
- 1393 Job struct creat
- 1394 Invalidation
- 1395 Label too wide
- 1396 Label too long
- 1397 Label too short
- 1398 Label too small
- 1470 X-Offset
- 1471 Y-Offset
- 1501-1535 Messages, which can occur with MLI
- 1501 Unknown MLI Cmd
- 1502 MLI Hash Error
- 1503 Filename Too Long
- 1504 Param > Max
- 1505 Param < Min
- 1506 No Previous
- 1507 Not enough data
- 1508 String Too Long
- 1509 Wrong Byte Cnts
- 1510 Wrong Param
- 1511 Bar Parm Error
- 1512 Code128 Mode Err
- 1513 Wrong Mode
- 1514 ^BX Parm Err.
- 1515 Conv to ECC200
- 1516 Bad Drive: x
- 1517 Mask String: x
- 1518 Bad Format: x
- 1519 Cmd Init Error
- 1520 Unsupported Cmd
- 1521 Unsupported: x
- 1522 Bad Char Set x
- 1523 Cmd Parm Error
- 1524 d/mm not chg x
- 1525 USI not exist
- 1526 Can't Off CV
- 1527 Offset illegal
- 1528 Language illegal
- 1529 Invalid Prn Mode
- 1530 Inc free str mem
- 1531 Inc RAM disc
- 1532 No Fixfont
- 1533 No Speedo Font
- 1534 ^XA missing
- 1535 ^XZ missing
- 2000-2009 Messages caused by Easy Plug variables
- 2000 Double var name
- 2002 Var. data length
- 2003 Expr. bracket
- 2004 Exp. quotemark
- 2005 Exp. comma pos.
- 2006 Exp.functionname
- 2007 Exp.fct.paratype
- 2008 Exp.fct.paraCnt
- 2009 Exp. name wrong
- 3000 RS232 Overrun
- 3001 RS232 Parity
- 3002 RS232 Frame
- 3003 RS232 Overrun
- 3004 RS232 Parity
- 3005 RS232 Frame
- 3010 Spooler Overflow
- 3011 Send buffer full
- 4100-4106 Messages which can only occur with OLV-Option
- 4100 No OLV data
- 4101 OLV limit exceed
- 4103 OLV barcode type
- 4104 OLV Timeout
- 4105 No OLV response
- 4106 OLV Software
- 5000 Bus device
- 5001 No gap found
- 5002 Material end
- 5003 Cover open
- 5004 Rewinder mat. tear
- 5005 Knife-fault
- 5006 Head-fault
- 5008 Ribbon end
- 5009 USI start error
- 5010 Paper jam
- 5012 Delete H8 loader
- 5013 Prog H8 loader
- 5014 Power
- 5015 Scanner
- 5016 ALX Rewinder
- 5017 Power Supply
- 5018 Dot check area
- 5020 I2C Timeout xx
- 5021 I2C Conf. xx
- 5022 I2C Busy xx
- 5023 I2C LAB xx
- 5024 I2C BER xx
- 5025 I2C Polling xx
- 5026 Motorprotect CPU
- 5028 PS overheat
- 5060 Stacker full
- 5061 Dispenser motor
- 5062 Disp. lift motor
- 5063 Press roll
- 5064 Backing paper
- 5100 No H8 response
- 5101 Headadjust error
- 5102 Dot Defective
- 5120 Home position
- 5121 Touch down
- 5122 PLC not ready
- 5130 PSU xxxxxxxx
- 5131 PSU communicat.
- 5150 No USI interface
- 5151 Applic. interf.
- 5200 Home position
- 5201 Touch down
- 5203 Touch down sens.
- 5204 Start delay
- 5205 Applicator gen.
- 5206 Applicator resp.
- 5207 Appl. driver 1
- 5208 Appl. driver 2
- 5209 Appl. driver 3
- 5210 Appl. driver 4
- 5500 Unknown
- 5501 General
- 5502-5551 Messages which can only occur with RFID option
- 5502 RFID internal
- 5504 No RFID job
- 5510 RFID COM timeout
- 5512 COM open failed
- 5513 Get baud failed
- 5521 No transponder
- 5522 Tag write err
- 5523 Tag address err
- 5524 CMD not applicable
- 5525 Tag read err
- 5526 Tag select first
- 5527 Tag RF comm err
- 5528 EEPROM failure
- 5529 Parameter range
- 5530 Unknown CMD
- 5531 Protocol length
- 5532 CMD not avail.
- 5540 ISO error #1
- 5541 ISO error #2
- 5542 ISO error #3
- 5543 ISO error #15
- 5544 ISO error #16
- 5545 ISO error #17
- 5546 ISO error #18
- 5547 ISO error #19
- 5548 ISO error #20
- 5549 ISO error ???
- 5550 Wrong tag type
- 5551 Max Tags failed
- 5560 TCS full / cover
- 5590 Odd hex string
- 5600 Job without #Q
- 5601 Job memory full
- 6000 Param. incorrect
- 6001 Nov. prog. err.
- 6002 New prog. vers.
- 6003 Memory error
- 6004 Load H8 program
- 6005 Fixfont data
- 6006 Speedofont data
- 6010 Printengine soft
- 6012 Start next job
- 6030 Param. checksum
- 6031 New Parameters
- 6101 No sensor found
- 6200 Filesystem regis
- 6201 File sys. format
- 6202 Drive open
- 6203 Filesystem close
- 6204 Disk directory
- 6205 Write disk
- 6206 Read disk
- 6207 No file card
- 6300 Out of memory
- 6301 Incomplete job
- 6310 Centr. Timeout
- 6311 Centr. Timeout
- 8001 Shared Memory
- 8002 Stream Buffer
- 8103 TrueDoc Font
- 8104 Speedo alloc
- 8105 Load TrueType
- 8106 Fonttype wrong
- 8107 Character set
- 8108 Symbol set
- 8109 TT-specifications
- 8110 Unknown char.
- 8111 Stream type
- 8112 Font not supp.
- 8200 Fixfont number
- 8201 Font downl. full
- 8202 Font deleted
- 8300 Bar code corr.
- 8301 Bar code data
- 8302 Barcode checksum
- 8303 Bar code sample
- 8304 Bar c. plain-copy
- 8305 Bar code print
- 8306 Plain-copy len.
- 8307 Readline dist.
- 8308 Bar code ratio
- 8309 Module range
- 8310 Bar code element
- 8311 Barcode table
- 8400 PDF417 ECC
- 8401 PDF417 Lines
- 8402 PDF417 Columns
- 8403 PDF417 Style
- 8404 PDF417 Command
- 8405 PDF417 Size
- 8406 PDF417 Details
- 8407 PDF417 Coding
- 8500 Code 25Int len.
- 8501 Postcode length
- 8600 EAN Length
- 8601 UPCE Numbers sys.
- 8700 IDM Data with 0
- 8701 IDM Data length
- 8702 IDM Coding
- 8703 IDM Self-test
- 8704 IDM Init. error
- 8705 IDM rows/columns
- 8760 EAN128 field len
- 8761 EAN128 Data type
- 8762 EAN128 Ident.
- 8800 Maxicode Mode
- 8801 Maxicode Sys no
- 8802 Maxicode Zipcode
- 8803 Maxicode Class
- 8804 Maxi. Sec. mess.
- 8805 Maxicode Country
- 8830 Cod49 Datalength
- 8831 Cod49 wrong data
- 8850 Unknown filetype
- 8851 Graphic open
- 8852 Graphic header
- 8853 Graphic palette
- 8854 Graphic read
- 8856 Free store size
- 8857 Wrong mem config
- 8900 Codablock columns
- 8901 Codablock rows
- 8902 Codablock softw.
- 8903 Codablock infogr
- 8950 Logo open
- 8951 File format
- 8952 Not installed
- 9000 Wrong errornum
- 9001 Software Error
- 9003 Print head type
- 9005 No Printhead
- 9007 Bad MAC Address
- 9009 Temporary MAC
- 9011 Bootloader ext.
- 9013 Head voltage
- 9014 Motor voltage
- 9015 Network init.
- 9016 DHCP Failed
- 9017 RTC read failed
- 9018 #!CA wrong Pos.
- 9020 Param. ID wrong
- 9022 No network link
- 9024 Not possible !
- 9030 Log file:CF full
- 9031 Log file: nnnn
- 9032 EP file log stop
- 9034 Use min 16MB RAM
- 9035 No printpr. stop
- 9036 DMA switch off