Avery Dennison 9840 Technical Reference Manual User Manual
Page 42

1-28 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
M o n a r c h N e t f o r T C P / I P - W i n s o c k E r r o r s
If you see an error before MonarchNet for TCP/IP appears on the screen,
try setting a host name in the hosts file in the Windows directory (check
the documentation for your Windows TCP/IP stack).
If you have difficulty seeing a particular print server, try moving the
device onto the same subnet as the computer running the utility.
If MonarchNet for TCP/IP gives you the Winsock error: Could not bind to
socket, use the Special Options dialog under the File menu to change
the Discovery UDP Port to a different port number.
A d d a n A c c e s s E n t r y
Access to print server configuration and diagnostic information is determined
by using community names. The Special Options window is used to
permanently define access information so that it does not need to be entered
each time the print server is accessed. To get and/or set information on a
print server through MonarchNet for TCP/IP, community names used by the
utility must match community names assigned to the print server.
To configure MonarchNet for TCP/IP to use the correct community names,
enter the IP Address of the print server (or group of print servers) you wish
to access. The IP address must follow the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, where
each XXX is a number between 0 and 255. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard
to specify groups/subnets. For example, to add a single print server enter, to add a group of print servers enter 198.102.102.*.