Avery Dennison 9840 Technical Reference Manual User Manual

Page 55

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NetworkAlert 32


N E T W O R K A L E R T 3 2

NetworkAlert 32 notifies you of important events on your Monarch print server.

O v e r v i e w

The NetworkAlert 32 utility aids in managing network print servers by
immediately alerting you to potential problems. NetworkAlert 32 needs to be
continuously running in the background or foreground on a networked
workstation to receive events from the servers. NetworkAlert 32 receives
SNMP/IP event packets sent out on the network from print servers. It can be
configured to notify you of a new event by updating the system tray icon,
bringing NetworkAlert 32 to the foreground or playing a sound. Each print
server that you want to receive events must be configured to send SNMP/IP
events (using the MonarchNet for TCP/IP configuration SNMP Trap page).

E v e n t F l o w

When an event is received it is placed into the event cache. If the event
passes the log filter, it is written to the current log file. If the event passes the
view filter, it is displayed in the event window. The event cache is limited to
10,000 events. When this limit is reached the oldest event is removed from
the cache and from the view window. However, it is not removed from the
event log. The following are displayed in the status bar:

Log events

The total number of events in the current log.

Cache events The total number of events in the NetworkAlert 32 event

cache. Any event in the event cache that passes the view
filter is displayed in the event window.

View events

The total number of events displayed in the event window.

F i l t e r C o n f i g u r a t i o n

The log filter and other log parameters are configured using the log settings
located in the file menu. The view filter is configured using the filter settings
in the view menu. The second and third property pages of each of these
property sheets control the event filtering. The device filter page is used to
filter by trap community name or by device IP address. The event filtering
page is used to filter specific event types such as 'Authentication Failure'.