Avery Dennison 9840 Technical Reference Manual User Manual
Page 102

5-20 MonarchNet for NetWare
S t a t i s t i c s
This screen shows print server statistics. Information on this page cannot be
altered. Select Refresh to update the information.
Receive Packets
This field displays the total number of network packets
the print server has received since the last time it was
powered off and on or reset.
This field displays the number of packets received that
the print server didn't have enough space to pick up, so
were dropped. This number is high when the network is
extremely busy, or the print server is receiving a large
number of requests.
This field displays the number of packets received that
contained errors preventing them from being delivered to
a higher-layer protocol.
This field displays the number of corrupted packets
Transmit Packets
This field displays the total number of packets transmitted
by the print server since the last time it was powered off
and on or reset.
This field displays the number of times the print server
has had to retry transmitting packets.
This field displays the number of packets that could not
be transmitted due to errors.
S y s t e m D i a g n o s t i c I n f o r m a t i o n
The system information is general information describing the print server
unit. This information can be configured by selecting the Configuration option
from the Print Server menu and then selecting the SNMP tab. Select Refresh
to update system diagnostic information.