Avery Dennison 9840 Technical Reference Manual User Manual

Page 39

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MonarchNet for TCP/IP


M o n a r c h N e t f o r T C P / I P P r o b l e m s

The following are some common problems users encounter with the
MonarchNet for TCP/IP utility.



MonarchNet for TCP/IP
displayed the error:
"WS10048,IP5014 cannot
bind socket".

Change the Discovery UDP Port to a different
port number. To do this, select Special Options
from the File menu within MonarchNet for TCP/IP.

An Monarch device is not
showing up in the
MonarchNet for TCP/IP
print server list.

Check the following:

Verify the Monarch device is properly
attached to the network. The Link Status LED
should be on if a Twisted-Pair connector is

Verify the Monarch device is on the same
subnet as the host machine.

Verify the current View in MonarchNet for
TCP/IP doesn't have a filter set.

Verify MonarchNet for TCP/IP is configured to
search the specific subnet that the Monarch
device is attached to.

MonarchNet for TCP/IP
displayed an error "...
SNMP Error (_____,

This error means the NetPlus WinSNMP utility is
not loaded. Close some applications to allow
enough memory for this utility to load.