Nisus Writer Pro User Manual
Nisus, Writer pro, User’s guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Welcome to Nisus Writer Pro
- Getting Started
- Quick Start
- Nisus Writer Pro — a “Grand Tour”
- Windows, Bars, Buttons, Pointers and Drawers
- The Nisus Writer Pro window
- The Nisus Writer Pro icon in the Dock
- The Menu Bar
- The Title Bar
- Nisus Writer Pro windows
- Nisus Writer Pro pointer variations
- Keyboard shortcuts in Nisus Writer Pro
- Nisus Writer Pro dialogs
- The Nisus Writer Pro Toolbar
- The Nisus Writer Pro rulers
- The Nisus Writer Pro Statusbar
- The Nisus Writer Pro Tooldrawer
- How clicking in the palettes of the Tooldrawer affects your document
- The Character palette
- The Paragraph palette
- Change the alignment
- Change the direction text flows (for right to left languages)
- Change the space between lines of text (“leading”)
- Multiple/Fixed
- Change the amount of space that appears above (before) a paragraph
- Change the amount of space that appears below (after) a paragraph
- Set the indents (line wrap area)
- Control for widows and orphans
- Prevent a paragraph (or paragraphs) from splitting across page or column breaks
- Keep one paragraph with the one that follows it
- The Statistics palette
- The Page palette
- The Columns palette
- The Headers and Footers palette
- The Indexing palette
- The Language palette
- The Line Numbers palette
- The Lists palette
- The Margins palette
- The Page Borders palette
- The Paragraph Borders palette
- The Paragraph Shading palette
- The Section palette
- The Shape Fill palette
- The Shape Metrics palette
- The Shape Shadow palette
- The Shape Stroke palette
- The Shape Wrap palette
- The Shapes palette
- The Special Characters palette
- The Styles palette
- The Table palette
- The Table Cell Borders palette
- The Table Cell Shading palette
- The Table Cells palette
- The Table of Contents palette
- Windows, Bars, Buttons, Pointers and Drawers
- Creating Documents
- Writing and Editing
- Entering (Typing) Text
- Writing in Multiple Languages
- Selecting Text
- Select text using the mouse or trackpad
- Select a column of text (rectangular selection)
- Select text from different places in the document (multipart selection)
- Select all the text in your document
- Select everything in your document
- Select everything not selected
- Select using the keyboard
- Other methods of selection
- “De-select” text from a selection
- Copying Text
- Drag and Drop
- Cutting Text
- Pasting Text
- Moving, Deleting, and Replacing Text
- Using the Clipboards
- Creating Lists
- About lists
- Insert a bulleted list
- End a bulleted list
- Apply bullets to a series of paragraphs
- Insert an automatically incrementing list
- Begin using the next level of a list
- Return to a higher level of a list
- Restart numbering
- Resume numbering
- Create numbered lists that may have a component missing
- Create numbered list that aligns along the period
- Modify list styles
- Use list styles to automatically number figures, tables, etc.
- Recovering From Mistakes
- Managing… Saving and Opening Your Files
- Saving Files
- Opening Files
- Managing Files
- Reintroducing the Document Manager
- Display the Document Manager
- Set up the Document Manager using the Doc Manager preferences
- Work with your files so that the Document Manager can help you manage them
- Save all your files automatically to the Document Manager
- Save your file (as needed/desired) to the Document Manager
- Save your file to the Document Manager with a new name
- Move your file to the Document Manager
- Add your file to the Document Manager
- Display and sort files managed by the Document Manager
- Create special groups of files
- Find a particular file or files among those listed in the Document Manager
- See a preview of your file
- Open a file using the Document Manager
- Additional features of the Document Manager
- Formatting Documents
- Structuring Paragraphs
- Set the indent or outdent (“hanging indent”) position of the first line of a paragraph
- Quickly indent or outdent a selected range of paragraphs
- Set the text wrap area
- Set the text wrap area numerically
- Set the text wrap area using the keyboard
- Set the text wrap area using the Paragraph palette
- Justify “align” text
- Set spacing between lines
- Set spacing between paragraphs
- Control how paragraphs split and stick together
- Set tabs
- Selecting paragraphs with different formatting
- Format Characters
- Formatting Documents Using Style Sheets
- An introduction to Style Sheets
- See the Style Sheet associated with a document
- Understanding the difference between the various kinds of styles
- Apply a style to your text
- Modify a style
- Select more than one style
- Change the name of a style
- Have one style inherit the attributes of another
- Determine the style of the next paragraph of your text automatically
- Assign a keyboard shortcut to your style as you edit it
- Remove a keyboard shortcut to your style as you edit it
- Change the sample text that illustrates your style
- Quickly remove attributes that define your style
- Add or modify attributes associated with your style
- Create a new style
- Select a range of text with a particular style
- Select all the text in your document with a particular style
- Select the next instance of text in your document with the selected style
- Remove a style’s attributes from selected text
- Remove a character attribute from your text
- Remove a style from your document
- Resolve conflicts between styles
- Maintain a Style Library
- Structuring Paragraphs
- Setting Up a Document’s Page
- Understanding Template (Stationery) Documents
- Make any file a template file
- Set “defaults” for the application and new files
- Edit your Nisus New File
- Create a template for plain text documents
- See the Nisus New File or Plain Text Template in the Finder
- Use an existing file as a Nisus New File
- Choose a different file for your Nisus New File
- Create a Nisus New File
- Restore the “factory settings” of your Nisus New File
- Setting Paper Size and Margins
- Set the Number of Columns
- Understanding Template (Stationery) Documents
- Headers and Footers
- Creating Headers and Footers
- Insert the same header and/or footer for all pages
- Insert a header and/or a footer for even numbered pages
- Insert a header and/or footer for odd numbered pages
- Have your header and/or footer appear on the second and succeeding pages of your document and no number appear on the first (“First Page Special”)
- Add a title page to a document and have the numbering appear and begin at 1 on the third page
- Insert a different header or footer for each section in the document
- Editing Headers and Footers
- Deleting Headers and Footers
- Numbering Pages
- Insert the current page number (once) on a specific page
- Display the current page number on every page
- Restart page numbering for a new section
- Restart page numbering at 1
- Display the current page number and the total number of pages in the section (or document) on every page
- Using Automatic Numbers, Date & Time Variables and Document Properties in Headers and Footers
- Update “stale” automatic content
- Convert automatic content to static text
- Creating Headers and Footers
- Graphics: Images and Shapes
- Working with Various Types of Graphics
- Importing Images
- Resize an Image
- Crop an Image
- Edit an Image
- Adjust the opacity of an image
- Working with Floating Images
- Deleting shapes and floating images
- Using the Shape Wrap palette
- Make an inline image into a floating image
- Make a floating image an inline image
- Working with Shapes
- Inserting shapes
- Modifying shapes
- More tools on the Shapes palette
- Using the Shape Fill palette
- Using the Shape Shadow palette
- Using the Shape Metrics palette
- The Canvas
- Additional tools for working with shapes
- Book Tools
- Creating Sections in Your Document
- Numbering Sections
- Footnotes and Endnotes
- Insert a footnote or endnote
- Return to the document from the notes
- Return to a specific note from its marker in the document
- Edit a footnote or endnote
- Determine the appearance of note markers
- Determine the appearance of note text
- Remove a footnote or endnote
- Change endnotes to footnotes or the reverse
- Continue footnote or endnote numbering across consecutive files
- Find the next footnote in your document because it shares the selected style
- Determine whether or not a document has footnotes
- Tables
- What is a table?
- Insert/create a table
- Determine the size (number of rows/columns) of a table
- Enter text in a table
- Create a table with pre-existing text
- Enter images in a table
- Navigate among the cells of a table
- Select cells, or portions of… or the entire table
- Determine the alignment (position) of a table in the document
- Determine the alignment (position) of text in a table
- Add cells to a table
- Remove cells from a table
- Sort rows of a table
- Merge cells
- Split cells
- Resize a cell
- Equalize column widths
- Equalize row heights
- Cause the table to resize to fit its contents (and settings)
- Cause the table to resize to fit the full extent of the page
- Create table headers
- Adjust the padding around the contents of a cell
- Make your tables stand out!
- Remove a table
- Copy, cut and paste a table
- Copy the contents, but not the “tableness” of a table
- Find and/or replace text in a table
- Working with Bookmarks and Cross-references
- Creating Tables of Contents, Outlines and Indexes
- About Tables of Contents and Indexes
- Tables of Contents
- Create a table of contents
- Designate text to appear in the table of contents
- See what text has been included in the table of contents
- Remove an entry from the table of contents
- Set the various headings of your document so that they automatically appear in the table of contents
- Insert a table of contents into your document
- Update the table of contents you have inserted into your document
- Remove a table of contents from your document
- Format the text of your table of contents
- Determine whether page numbers appear or not
- Determine whether numbers follow a tab or not
- Set what appears when line breaks or tab characters appear in marked text
- Set the paragraph style associated with each level of the table of contents
- Set the leader that appears between the table of contents text and the page number
- Modify the appearance of the text in the table of contents
- Add highlight color to your inserted table of contents
- Create a new table of contents
- Determine which table of contents is active
- Quickly add text to the table of contents of your choice
- Maintain a running table of contents
- Create a table of contents
- Outlines
- Indexes
- Create an index
- Designate text to appear in the index
- Index one thing as something else “index as”
- Emphasize the page of a particular occurrence of an item in the index
- Emphasize a particular term in the index
- Index multiple terms as one term using the Find/Replace tool
- Use the index to refer to other entries
- Index all occurrences of the word in the “Index as topic” box
- Add an additional “Index As” reference to indexed text
- Create a hierarchical index
- Create an index entry which references all text of a given font, size and/or style (or language)
- Index overlapping entries
- Automatically index your document using a word list
- See what text has been included in the index
- Remove an entry from the index
- Insert an index into your document
- Update the index you have inserted into your document
- Remove an index from your document
- Format your index
- Determine the appearance of what separates the various sections of your index
- Determine what separates the index entry from its reference
- Determine what “leader” separates the index entry from its reference
- Determine the characters that separate page numbers in the index
- Have all sub-levels of the index appear on the same line (space permitting)
- Set the paragraph style associated with each level of the index
- Modify the appearance of the text in the index
- Create a new index
- Determine which index is active
- Quickly add text to the index of your choice
- Quickly remove text from the index of your choice
- How Nisus Writer handles consecutive page numbers in an index
- Create an index
- Working with Bibliographic Reference Tools
- Writing and Editing
- Polishing & Managing Documents
- Moving Around in Your Documents
- Moving the Insertion Point Using the Keyboard
- Moving the Insertion Point Using the “Select” Commands
- Moving the Insertion Point Using the “Go To” Commands
- Moving the Insertion Point Using the Table of Contents Navigator
- Moving the Insertion Point Using the Bookmarks Navigator
- Moving the Insertion Point Using the Find Tool
- Moving the Insertion Point Using Macros
- Moving Between Nisus Writer Pro documents
- Proofing Documents
- How to Check Spelling
- Check your spelling using the Language palette
- Have Nisus Writer Pro correct your typos as you type
- Set your dictionary preferences
- Correct your spelling using the keyboard and without calling up the Spelling window
- Correct your spelling using the mouse or trackpad and without calling up the Spelling window
- Correct your spelling using the mouse or trackpad and without calling up the Spelling window and add the word to your QuickFix abbreviations
- Start the spelling checker
- Set the starting point of the spelling checker
- Activate the Spelling floating window
- Replace a misspelled word using the spelling checker
- Skip words flagged by the spelling checker
- Stop the spelling checker
- User Dictionaries
- Using the Nisus Thesaurus
- Using Multiple Language Dictionaries
- Hyphenating your text
- Word count, text analysis, document properties & statistics
- How to Check Spelling
- Paginating Numbering Lines, Sorting and More
- Pagination
- Line Numbering
- Number lines
- Number lines continuously throughout the entire document
- Number lines for particular sections
- Number lines so that they continue from the previous section
- Number lines so that they restart numbering on each page
- Prevent line numbers from displaying
- Change the way in which line numbers display
- Display the Line Numbers palette
- Set the starting number of line numbers
- Determine the interval at which the line numbers display
- Determine the format of the numbers displayed
- Determine the size of the gutter, (the space between the numbers in the margin and your text)
- Determine the font/face/size/color, etc. of the numbers displayed
- Number lines for legal documents (“Pleading Pages” or “Pleading Paper”)
- Number lines
- Alphabetizing (Sorting) Paragraphs
- Special “Styles”
- Plain Text
- Remove style attributes from text
- Change the height of text in relation to the baseline
- Return raised or lowered text to the baseline
- Cause letter pairs to use ligatures
- Prevent letter pairs from using ligatures
- Cause letter pairs to display closer together or further apart
- Prevent letter pairs from displaying closer together or further apart
- Color text
- Highlight text
- Background color
- How highlight color and background color differ
- Use Paragraph Borders and Paragraph Shading to set off your text and create “screens”
- Using the Mac OS Colors panel
- Cleaning Up Documents
- Finding and Replacing Text
- Using Normal Find
- Using PowerFind
- About PowerFind
- PowerFind terminology
- PowerFind example
- Using the “Find what” and “Replace with” menus
- Using the PowerFind Browser
- Open the PowerFind Browser
- Resize the PowerFind Browser
- Find capitalized words (a PowerFind example)
- Select all instances of a found expression at once
- Convert a PowerFind expression to a PowerFind Pro expression
- PowerFind guidelines
- Match set
- Repeat set
- Scripts / Blocks set
- Special Characters set
- Special Positions set
- Wild Card set
- Transform set
- Examples of putting PowerFind to use
- Remove extra blank lines
- Remove page breaks
- Change the sequence of a pattern
- Find two neighboring duplicate paragraphs
- Change the wording of a repeated phrase containing a variable
- Convert Styles to HTML Code
- Exercises, or examples of putting PowerFind Pro to use
- Characters with special meaning
- Pre-defined wild cards
- Advanced exercises, or more examples of putting PowerFind to use
- Swap the sequence of words
- Find any and/or all words that begin and end with specified characters
- Change multiple periods to ellipses
- Make sure your spaces follow the punctuation
- Make sure your punctuation appears inside quotation marks
- Replace two or more spaces with one space
- Find ten-digit phone numbers
- Using PowerFind Pro
- Using Comments in Your Documents
- Add comments
- Remove comments
- Copy and paste commented text
- Move to and from comments
- Select the next or previous comment in your document
- Collapse or expand the comments in your document
- Hide and show, or turn off and on the display of all the comments in your document
- Receiving commented files from others
- Add your comments to the comments of others
- Review comment histories
- Display comments of a particular “author”
- Printing comments
- Tracking Changes to Your Documents
- Start tracking changes
- View and review tracked changes
- Accept or reject changes made to your document
- Working with Multiple Documents
- Printing Documents
- Moving Around in Your Documents
- Customizing & Automating Solutions
- Setting Preferences
- Using the General Preferences to Control the Application
- Determine the Way the Document Manager Works
- Choose the Way in Which Files Save
- Have Nisus Writer Pro notify you whenever you save a file
- Save files after a certain number of minutes
- Have the Autosave feature of Nisus Writer Pro serve as a “crash recovery” tool
- Have Nisus Writer Pro automatically create backups of your work
- Save files automatically and never see the Save As dialog, unless you choose it from the menu
- Open automatically saved and closed files
- What gets saved with a file
- Determine the way in which files open
- Open any document as “new” or “Untitled”
- Choose Various Display Options for Your Documents
- Invisibles
- Page guides
- Insertion point (caret, I-beam) width
- WYSIWYG Font menu
- WYSIWYG Styles palette
- Set the font used in the Navigator pane
- Determine the suffix of automatically named bookmarks
- Determine the color of various aspects of your Nisus Writer Pro working environment
- Choose measurement display options for new documents
- Customize Your Clipboards
- Assign Menu Keys to Menu Commands
- Set Your Language Preferences
- Determine What QuickFix Fixes
- Various QuickFixes
- Working with Glossaries
- Create a new Glossary
- Add or remove an entry to or from a Nisus Writer Pro Glossary file
- Activate a Nisus Writer Pro Glossary file
- Enable automatic expansion of Nisus Writer Pro Glossary file abbreviations
- Create a new glossary abbreviation, or edit an existing abbreviation in an existing Glossary
- Import a Nisus Writer Classic Glossary file
- Delete a Nisus Writer Pro Glossary file
- Advanced Preferences
- Customize Your Toolbar
- Create Your Own Group of Palettes for the Tooldrawer
- Save Preferences
- Return All Preferences to Their Original (Shipped) Settings
- Macros, Skimming the Surface
- Macros, the Deeper Workings
- The Nisus Writer Pro Macro Language
- Old and New Macros
- Menu Command Dialect
- Using menu commands
- Using parameters with menu commands
- Writing Perl Scripts
- Writing AppleScripts
- Setting Preferences
- Putting It All Together
- Nisus Writer Pro and the Community of Connected Applications
- Nisus Writer Pro and the Internet
- Standardizing Your Correspondence Stationery
- Afterword
- Appendices
- Indexes