Nisus Writer Express User Manual
Nisus, Writer
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Title Page
- Disclaimer
- Table of Contents
- Welcome to Nisus Writer Express
- Getting Started
- Quick Start
- Nisus Writer Express — a “Grand Tour”
- Windows, Bars, Buttons, Pointers and drawers
- The Nisus Writer Express Window
- The Nisus Writer Express Icon in the Dock
- The Menu Bar
- The Title Bar
- Nisus Writer Express Windows
- Nisus Writer Express Pointer Variations
- Keyboard Shortcuts in Nisus Writer Express
- Nisus Writer Express Dialogs
- The Nisus Writer Express Toolbar
- The Nisus Writer Express Ruler
- The Nisus Writer Express Statusbar
- The Nisus Writer Express Tooldrawer
- How clicking in the palettes of the Tooldrawer affects your text
- The Character Palette
- The Paragraph Palette
- Change the alignment
- Change the direction text flows (for right to left languages)
- Change the space between lines of text (“leading”)
- Multiple/Fixed
- Change the amount of space that appears above (before) a paragraph
- Change the amount of space that appears below (after) a paragraph
- Control for widows and orphans
- Prevent a paragraph (or paragraphs) from splitting across page or column breaks
- Keep one paragraph with the one that follows it
- The Statistics palette
- The Page Palette
- The Columns Palette
- The Headers and Footers Palette
- The Image Palette
- The Language Palette
- The Lists Palette
- The Margins Palette
- The Page Borders Palette
- The Section Palette
- The Styles Palette
- The Table Palette
- The Table Cell Borders Palette
- The Table Cell Shading Palette
- The Table Cells Palette
- The Nisus Writer Express Menus
- Windows, Bars, Buttons, Pointers and drawers
- Creating Documents
- Writing and Editing
- Entering (Typing) Text
- Writing in Multiple Languages
- Selecting Text
- Copying Text
- Drag and Drop
- Cutting Text
- Pasting Text
- Moving, Deleting, and Replacing Text
- Using the Clipboards
- Creating Lists
- About lists
- Insert a bulleted list
- End a bulleted list
- Apply bullets to a series of paragraphs
- Insert an automatically incrementing list
- Begin using the next level of a list
- Return to a higher level of a list
- Restart numbering
- Resume numbering
- Modify list styles
- Use list styles to automatically number figures, tables, etc.
- Recovering from Mistakes
- Saving files
- Formatting Documents
- Structuring paragraphs
- Set the indent or outdent (“hanging indent”) position of the first lineof a paragraph
- Quickly indent or outdent a selected range of paragraphs
- Set the text wrap area
- Set the text wrap area numerically
- Set the text wrap area using the keyboard
- Justify “align” text
- Set spacing between lines
- Set spacing between paragraphs
- Control how paragraphs split and stick together
- Set tabs
- Selecting paragraphs with different formatting
- Format Characters
- Formatting Documents using Style Sheets
- An introduction to Style Sheets
- See the Style Sheet associated with a document
- Understanding the difference between the various kinds of styles
- Apply a style to your text
- Modify a style
- Select more than one style
- Change the name of a style
- Have one style inherit the attributes of another
- Determine the style of the next paragraph of your text automatically
- Assign a keyboard shortcut to your style as you edit it
- Remove a keyboard shortcut to your style as you edit it
- Change the sample text that illustrates your style
- Quickly remove attributes that define your style
- Add or modify attributes associated with your style
- Create a new style
- Select a range of text with a particular style
- Select all the text in your document with a particular style
- Remove a style’s attributes from selected text
- Remove a character attribute from your text
- Remove a style from your document
- Resolve conflicts between Styles
- Structuring paragraphs
- Setting Up a Document’s Page
- Understanding template (stationery) documents
- Setting paper size and margins
- Set the number of columns
- Headers and Footers
- Creating Headers and Footers
- Insert the same header or footer for all pages
- Insert a header or a footer for even numbered pages
- Insert a header or footer for odd numbered pages
- Have your header and/or footer appear on the second andsucceeding pages of your document and no number appear on thefirst (“First Page Special”)
- Insert a different header or footer for each section in the document
- Editing Headers and Footers
- Deleting Headers and Footers
- Numbering Pages
- Creating Headers and Footers
- Graphics
- Book Tools
- Creating Sections In Your Document
- Numbering Sections
- Footnotes and Endnotes
- Tables
- What is a table?
- Insert/create a table
- Determine the size (number of rows/columns) of a table
- Enter text in a table
- Create a table with pre-existing text
- Enter graphics in a table
- Navigate among the cells of a table
- Select cells, or portions of… or the entire table
- Determine the alignment (position) of a table in the document
- Determine the alignment (position) of text in a table
- Align text in table cells along the decimal point
- Add cells to a table
- Remove cells from a table
- Merge cells
- Split cells
- Resize a cell
- Equalize column widths
- Equalize row heights
- Cause the table to resize to fit its contents (and settings)
- Cause the table to resize to fit the full extent of the page
- Create a table header
- Create a row header
- Adjust the padding around the contents of a cell
- Make your tables stand out!
- Modify the lines (edges, borders, etc.) of a table
- Clear the selection of lines to modify
- Select which lines to modify
- Determine the thickness of the lines
- Determine the style (pattern) of the lines
- Determine the color of the lines
- Set the shading (color) of cells
- Determine the pattern of cells
- Remove a table
- Copy, cut and paste a table
- Find and/or replace text in a table
- Writing and Editing
- Polishing & Managing Documents
- Proofing Documents
- How to Check Spelling
- Check your spelling using the Language palette
- Have Nisus Writer Express correct your typos as you type
- Set your dictionary preferences
- Correct your spelling using the keyboard and without calling up theSpelling window
- Correct your spelling using the mouse and without calling up theSpelling window
- Start the spelling checker
- Set the starting point of the spelling checker
- Activate the Spelling floating window
- Replace a misspelled word using the spelling checker
- Skip words flagged by the spelling checker
- Stop the spelling checker
- User Dictionaries
- Using multiple language dictionaries
- Word Count and Document Statistics
- Finding and Replacing Text
- Using Normal Find
- Using PowerFind
- About PowerFind
- PowerFind Terminology
- PowerFind Example
- Using the Find what and Replace with menus
- Using the PowerFind Browser
- Finding and/or replacing Non-Roman Characters
- Scripts Set
- Examples of putting PowerFind to use
- Use a recently used find or replace expression
- Save a find or replace expression
- Using a saved find or replace expression
- Deleting a saved find or replace expression
- Using PowerFind Pro
- Using PowerFind Pro
- Exercises, or examples of putting PowerFind Pro to use
- Find a seven-digit phone number
- Find any number of trailing spaces in a document or tabs at the end of paragraphs
- Find the invisible null (ASCII (Unicode) 0) character
- Find repeated groups of characters
- Find any set of characters
- Characters with Special Meaning
- Modifier Characters
- Parenthesized Expressions
- Pre-defined Wild Cards
- User-defined Wild Cards
- [Σ] (any character from a set Σ excluding Return)
- [^Σ] (any character not from a set Σ)
- Characters with a Unique Match
- Repeat Characters
- Match Characters
- PowerFind Pro Find Expressions
- PowerFind Pro Replace Expressions
- Definitions in Nisus Writer Express
- Advanced exercises, or more examples of putting PowerFind to use
- Swap the sequence of words
- Find any and/or all words that begin and end with specified characters
- Change multiple periods to ellipses
- Make sure your spaces follow the punctuation
- Make sure your punctuation appears inside quotation marks
- Replace two or more spaces with one space
- Find ten-digit phone numbers
- Exercises, or examples of putting PowerFind Pro to use
- How to Check Spelling
- Displaying & Printing Documents
- Pagination
- Jump to any page in your document
- Alphabetizing (sorting) Paragraphs
- Special “Styles”
- Plain Text
- Remove style attributes from text
- Change the height of text in relation to the baseline
- Return raised or lowered text to the baseline
- Cause letter pairs to use ligatures
- Prevent letter pairs from using ligatures
- Cause letter pairs to display closer together or further apart
- Prevent letter pairs from displaying closer together or further apart
- Color text
- Highlight text
- Background Color
- How Highlight color and Background Color differ
- Cleaning Up Documents
- Change the case of alphabetic characters
- Change the appearance of quotation marks
- Working with Multiple Documents
- Printing Documents
- Moving Around in Your Documents
- Proofing Documents
- Customizing & Automating Solutions
- Setting Preferences
- Using the General Preferences to Control the Application
- Determine What Happens at Activation
- Choose the Way in Which Files Save
- Save files after a certain number of minutes
- Have the Autosave feature of Nisus Writer Express serve as a “crash recovery” tool
- Have Nisus Writer Express automatically create backups of your work
- Save files automatically and never see the Save As dialog, unless you choose itfrom the menu
- Open automatically saved and closed files
- What gets saved with a file
- Determine the way in which files open
- Open any document as “new” or “Untitled”
- Choose Various Display Options for Your Documents
- Customize Your Clipboards
- Assign Menu Keys to Menu Commands
- Set Your Language Preferences
- Determine What QuickFix Fixes
- Create a New Glossary
- Add/remove an entry to or from a Nisus Writer Express Glossary file
- Activate a Nisus Writer Express Glossary file
- Enable automatic expansion of Nisus Writer Express Glossary fileabbreviations
- Create a new glossary abbreviation, or edit an existing abbreviationin an existing Glossary
- Import a Nisus Writer Classic Glossary file
- Delete a Nisus Writer Express Glossary file
- Additional QuickFixes
- Change the Display of the Toolbar
- Create Your Own Set of Palettes for the Tooldrawer
- Save Preferences
- Return All Preferences to Their Original (Shipped) Settings
- Using the General Preferences to Control the Application
- Macros, Skimming the Surface
- Macros, the Deeper Workings
- Writing Perl Scripts
- Writing AppleScripts
- Setting Preferences
- Putting It All Together
- Afterword
- Appendices
- Indexes