Lake controller tutorial 29 – Lab.gruppen PLM 20K44 User Manual

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Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4

Lake Controller Tutorial


4.2.2 Help and Status Messages

Context-sensitive help is displayed above the button bar on the left.

Figure 4-4: Context Level Help

System status messages are displayed above the button bar on the right. In the following example, the
network status is shown to be offline.

Figure 4-5: Network Status Messages

4.2.3 Page Tabs

At the top left of the user interface, the MAIN and ALL pages are presented. The MAIN page is the default
page ready to use. The ALL page provides monitoring of up to 260 Modules on a 1,024 × 768 pixel screen
without scrolling. It displays a status summary for each Myodule, with additional status information for
Lab.gruppen amplifiers. More pages can be added as required to logically partition your system.

Figure 4-6: Example Page Tabs

For further details, please refer to section 8.7.

4.2.4 Minimizing the Lake Controller

To minimize the Lake Controller software and return to Windows, tap the Lake icon in the top-right corner
of any screen. When running in Windowed-mode, minimize the controller using the standard Windows
minimize button.

Figure 4-7: Use the Lake logo (top right of screen) to minimize the Lake Controller

This icon is animated. It rotates when the software is performing any function that requires the user to wait
for data to be transferred or for a processing to complete.