Designer mode menu reference 231, 3 levels functions – Lab.gruppen PLM 20K44 User Manual

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Lake Controller Operation Manual Rev 1.5.4

Designer Mode Menu Reference


19.3.3 Levels Functions Adjust Factory Levels

A button labeled ADJUST FACTORY is available on the METER OPTIONS menu from the LEVELS page of
a Module. When this button is active (orange), a label reading ADJUST FACTORY appears at the top of each
Levels page to confirm this special mode of operation. Factory levels are not applicable for Groups.

In this mode, a different set of factory levels are displayed for each level type. These are displayed using the
same faders and meters used for the adjustment of user levels; the fader positions and gain values change
to indicate the factory level instead of the user level.

The sum of factory, user, and Group levels are

combined to provide the actual total. Factory levels

are not included in the total level value that is

shown in brackets in User Mode.

Adjust Factory values are available for all level

types with the exception of MaxRMS Corner,

MaxRMS Attack and MaxRMS Release.

To set factory levels, perform the following steps:

1. From the LEVELS page, tap METER OPTIONS, then ADJUST FACTORY.

2. Tap METER OPTS EXIT, and navigate to the relevant LEVELS page.

3. Enter the values required using the fader or keyboard entry.

4. Tap METER OPTIONS, then ADJUST FACTORY to exit this mode

Factory levels can be hidden from the end user by

locking the Module or exiting Designer Mode. Restrict Level Adjustments

Level Limits are used to restrict minimum and maximum levels for a Module. Although a Group’s Level
Limits cannot be set, they adhere to the limits of all Modules that are assigned to it. For example, if chang-
ing a Group level causes any of its Modules to exceed their allowable range, the action is not permitted.

1. Navigate to Module Levels, tap METER OPTIONS, then tap LEVEL LIMITS.


3. Tap the relevant minimum/maximum level. Each channel is displayed in the same order as the channel

faders (from left to right: Input, Output 1, Output 2, and so on).