ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
Page 79

Profile Main Screen
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monitor creates and stores the new entities, DMLI_AVG
and DML2_AVG. Data for these entities is retrieved to
the Profile database during data collects.
• Low Flow Alarm Edit the following MLI parameters when
you want to configure the monitor to send out an alarm under
low flow conditions.
Threshold Type Select the flow condition you want to
serve as the threshold by which you want the monitor to
send out a low flow alarm to IntelliServe.
− Daily Flow Pattern Choose this option to trigger an
alarm when the average daily flow rate calculated by
the monitor falls below the threshold (designated
percentage) of typical flow rates for the particular day
type (weekday or weekend) and time of day.
− Daily Depth Pattern Choose this option to trigger
an alarm when the flow depth level measured by the
monitor falls below the threshold (designated
percentage) of typical depth levels for the particular
day type (weekday or weekend) and time of day.
Percent Loss Select the percentage of the average daily
flow (ADF) rates or depths you want to set as the threshold
below which the monitor will send out an alarm. To
discontinue a low flow alarm and allow the system to
return to normal, MLI must register average daily flow
rates or depths a predefined number of percentage points
above the threshold for percent loss.
Flow Readings to Average Select the number of
consecutive readings you want the monitor to average to
prevent isolated erroneous readings from accidentally
setting off false alarms. When the value entered for
Readings to Average is greater than 1, the monitor creates
and stores the new entities, DMLI_AVG and
DML2_AVG. The data for these entities will be available
during data collection activities.