ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
Page 232

Profile Software User's Guide
CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement
1998 - 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.
• +/- Enter the accuracy (plus/minus) for the measured depth.
This is the level of accuracy of the depth reading based on the
field crew's ability to obtain accurate measurements. For
example, a factor that could influence accuracy may be a
choppy flow surface.
• PeakVel Enter the manually obtained peak velocity of the
• +/- Enter the plus/minus accuracy of the peak velocity.
• AvgVel This field displays the results of the PeakVel
multiplied by the Average-to-Peak ratio (from the Average-
to-Peak table created in the Installation Generator or using
the .90 default ratio).
• Quantity Use this column to enter the field-measured quantity
for a quantity confirmation.
• +/- Enter the plus/minus accuracy of the quantity confirmation.
• Calc/Q This field displays the calculated quantity based on
the confirmation information.
• Silt Enter the silt depth, if any, at the monitoring point as
measured during the field confirmation. The default value is 0
inches. This field can be widened to accommodate larger
numbers, if necessary.
• HC This field displays the calculated hydraulic coefficient
derived from the field confirmation.
• Roughness This field displays the calculated roughness
derived from the field confirmation or a manually set
• Slope This field displays the calculated slope derived from
field confirmations or a manually set slope.
• Crew Enter the name or identification of the field crew who
performed the confirmation.
• Comments Enter any information relevant to the field
confirmation, such as unusual or unique conditions at the