ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
Page 11

Table of Contents
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Saving a Block Edit ..................................................... 13-6
Retrieving Saved Block Edits ...................................... 13-6
Deleting a Block Edit .................................................. 13-7
Exiting the Block Function Editor ...................................... 13-8
Chapter 14 Final Data Generator
What is the Final Data Generator? ..................................... 14-3
When to Use the Final Data Generator ........................ 14-4
How to Use the Final Data Generator ................................. 14-5
Generating AVGUDEPTH ................................................. 14-7
Verifying the Location and Monitoring Point ............. 14-7
Selecting the AVGUDEPTH Data Type ..................... 14-8
Choosing to Calculate Data Dependencies .................. 14-9
Creating Table Entries ................................................. 14-9
Generating AVGUDEPTH .......................................... 14-10
Replacing a Table Entry .............................................. 14-11
Generating DFinal .............................................................. 14-12
Verifying the Location and Monitoring Point ............. 14-12
Selecting the DFinal Data Type .................................. 14-13
Choosing to Calculate Data Dependencies .................. 14-14
Adding Depth Entries to the Table .............................. 14-14
Generating DFinal ....................................................... 14-15
Replacing a Table Entry .............................................. 14-15
Generating VFinal .............................................................. 14-16
Verifying the Location and Monitoring Point ............. 14-16
Selecting the VFinal Data Type .................................. 14-17
Choosing to Calculate Data Dependencies .................. 14-18
Adding Velocity Entries to the Table .......................... 14-18
Generating VFinal ....................................................... 14-19
Replacing a Table Entry .............................................. 14-19
Generating QFinal .............................................................. 14-20
Verifying the Location and Monitoring Point ............. 14-20
Selecting the QFinal Data Type .................................. 14-21
Choosing to Calculate Data Dependencies .................. 14-22
Adding Quantity Entries to the Table .......................... 14-22
Generating QFinal ....................................................... 14-23
Replacing a Table Entry .............................................. 14-23
Generating a QPseudo Data Entity ..................................... 14-24
Creating a New Monitor Location ............................... 14-24