What is the final data generator – ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
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Final Data Generator
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What is the Final Data Generator?
The Final Data Generator allows you to generate the data entities
that represent average depth (AVGUDEPTH), final depth
(DFinal), final velocity (VFinal), and final quantity (QFinal). Use
the Final Data Generator to combine specific time spans of the
different depth, velocity, or quantity data entities (within the
monitoring point) in order to create the final depth, velocity, or
quantity data representations.
Note: Most monitoring points should require only a
single entity for the DFinal, VFinal, and QFinal entities.
However, the Final Data Generator allows flexibility in
situations requiring multiple entities.
For example, when multiple depth data entities, such as ultrasonic
depth and pressure depth, exist for a monitoring point, the Final
Data Generator allows you to create a final depth data
representation, DFinal, by combining specific time spans of
ultrasonic depth and/or pressure depth data. Select a depth data
entity for a specific time span, and add the entry to a table. The
table entries are used to generate the DFinal data entity. Use the
QFinal data entity for your final flow data reports.
Note: The data quality assigned to the dependent data
entity AVGUDEPTH is the average of the quality
statistics from all data entities required to generate the
dependent data. The DFinal, VFinal, and QFinal quality
statistics are based on the source entity from which
DFinal, VFinal, and QFinal were constructed.
The table also can be used as a historical reference to view which
entity or entities were selected to represent the final data entity.
Generating DFinal allows you to generate (or regenerate) the
dependent QManning and QContinuity flow quantities.