ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
Page 630

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databases, 2-8
locations, 2-20
new groups, 2-115
new location, 2-19
new monitoring points, 2-24
schematics, 15-5
creating databases, 2-8
cross check events, 2-44
current readings, 6-31
customizing graphs, 1-21
customizing the hydrograph
report, 16-17
data collection
processing raw monitor data,
data collector logs, 9-6
data delivery device, 2-32
editing, 2-32
data edit logs, 9-6
data entities
creating new, 2-122
deleting from database, 2-123
editing the calculation script,
data entity level, 2-4
data entity properties, 2-118
data entry, 1-13
data quality, 16-15, 18-23
Data Transfer Utility, 7-2
exporting data, 7-11
how to use, 7-3
importing data, 7-3
reviewing data files, 7-16
when to use, 7-2
Data Uptime Reporter
data average, 19-8
defined, 19-2
flagged data, 19-8
how to use, 19-4
manually modified data, 19-9
qualifying data, 19-8
set percent, 19-9
when to use, 19-2
all locations group, 2-4
change current, 2-13
compacting, 2-16
copying, 2-11
deleting, 2-14
group entities, 2-4
how to start a project, 2-6
levels, 2-3
organization, 2-3
recognizing existing, 2-12
renaming, 2-15
database groups, 2-7
database level, 2-3
database properties, 2-118
changing the format, 2-126
date selection tab, 2-128
deactivating a monitor, 6-33
data entities, 2-123
groups, 2-116
hydrograph data, 10-23
import definitions, 7-9
locations, 2-116
monitoring points, 2-116
dependent data
editing, 2-120
updating, 2-120