ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
Page 362

Data Transfer Utility
CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement
1998 - 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Properties dialog
Locating Other Data Files Profile imports data from
C:\Profiledata by default. If this location does not contain
Profile data files, select the Browse button to locate the
file path containing the required data files for display
under Import Path. The Locations list box will display
the available data files.
Note: The actual Profile data files will reside in the
[Import Path]\[monitor location name] folder, where
Import Path is the default path or a user-selected path,
and monitor location name represents the name of the
monitor associated with the data. Profile will
automatically create the monitor location name folder
when a data export is performed.
Changing the Import File Format Select the required
format from the File Format drop-down list to change the
format of the data file imported to the Profile database.
When selecting a user-defined format, you also must select
a specific format from the Import Definition drop-down
list. This list may contain ASCII or Excel formats
previously created using the Import Definition Wizard
launched from the Data Transfer Utility dialog. Refer to