ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual

Page 363

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Profile Software User's Guide

CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement

1998 - 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Using the Import Definition Wizard on page 7-9 for more

Overwriting Existing Data Select this checkbox to

ensure the Profile import overwrites any duplicate data
files already existing in the database. Select the Warn on
checkbox to notify you prior to overwriting any
existing data.

Select the OK button to save changes made to the Properties

5. Select the monitor location(s) from the Locations list box and

the corresponding entities from the Available Entities list box
for which you desire to import data. (Profile limits you to 32
entities for a data import.)

6. Select the appropriate checkboxes in the Import/Export Other

section to import the current configuration file, calibration log,
service log, or final data generator tables associated with any
monitor locations selected in the Locations list box.

7. (Optional) Select the Calculate Dependencies checkbox to

generate dependent data for the imported data.

8. (Optional) Select the Import/Export Only a Specific Span of

Data checkbox and one of the following options to import data
for a user-defined or fixed date and time span:

Note: If you do not select an option for importing a
specific span of data, Profile automatically will import all
the data available for the selected entities.

User Defined Time Span Enter the specific beginning

and ending dates and times in the Start Time and End
fields to import only a specific, user-defined range of
data from the import file location.

Fixed Time Span Select Last Day, Last Week, or Last

Month to import the most recent data available from the
import file location for the designated period.

9. Choose one of the following options: