ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
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Profile Software User's Guide
CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement
1998 - 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.
database is stored to a Microsoft
(.mdb) file format.
Refer to How to Start a Profile Project in Chapter 2, for more
• Set Communication Parameters Setting the
communication parameters involves designating the modem,
communication ports, and temperature, battery, and signal
thresholds to ensure proper communication, measurement, and
maintenance of the ADS monitors.
• Create Locations Creating locations involves establishing a
new location in the database and entering and designating
location-specific information. Location-specific information
includes the location name, monitor serial number, telephone
number/IP address, monitor series, communication method,
data log rates, collection range, and other parameters. For
more information, refer to Creating and Configuring a New
Location in Chapter 2.
• Create Installations Create physical profiles of monitoring
points called installations. Installations allow quantity data to
be generated in the database. Use the Installation Generator
to perform this step of the project. The Installation
Generator supports standard and non-standard pipe shapes and
sizes, weirs, flumes, lookup tables, and manual entry tables.
For more information, refer to How to Use the Installation
Generator in Chapter 3.
• Select and Edit Devices Selecting and editing the devices
corresponding to a monitor location ensures the monitor logs
the desired data. Editing the devices involves setting specific
parameters to ensure the monitor and Profile properly obtains
and processes the data. Refer to Selecting and Editing Devices
in Chapter 2 for more information.
• Edit Silt and Gain Editing the silt and gain accounts for any
silt present at the bottom of the pipe and differences between
raw velocity and average velocity. Use the Quantity
Coefficient Generator to edit these values. These are critical
for the monitor to accurately calculate flow quantity. For more
information, refer to Storing the Coefficients in Chapter 4.