Performing offline site dr analysis – ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual

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Profile Software User's Guide

CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement

1998 - 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Low Battery Triton/FlowHawk Enter the voltage below

which you want Profile to provide notification for Triton and
FlowHawk monitors. ADS recommends leaving the default
battery voltage (6.8) unchanged.

3. Select the OK button.

Performing Offline Site DR Analysis

Use the offline Site DR analysis tool to identify potential issues on data
that already exists in your Profile database. Select a monitor location
and specify a time span of data to allow Site DR to automatically
analyze for specific problems. Site DR displays the analysis results
and offers recommendations (when necessary) for conducting further
review, investigation, or analysis.

1. From the Profile main screen, select the monitor location on

which you want to perform the Site DR analysis.

2. Select the Diagnostics toolbar button to access and display the

Diagnostics tool.

3. Select Site DR from the Functions drop-down list and select the

Perform button.

The Site DR window displays.

4. Designate the range of data you want Site DR to analyze by

editing the Start and End Time fields in the Collect
. Edit these fields directly by selecting the portion of
the date or time stamp you want to change and then entering the
appropriate designation or using the arrows to scroll up and down
in the range. If you do not edit the range, the start date and time
automatically default to the Auto Collect Start Date in the LIF.

5. Click on the Next button.

The View Hydrograph – [location name] dialog displays the specified
data in hydrograph format.