When to use the installation generator – ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
Page 184

Installation Generator
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point's physical dimensions to the installation table (for pipes,
weirs, or flumes). The installation table will generate from the
manually entered points.
• Lookup Use the Create Installation wizard to create a table
based on a designated number of depths and corresponding
quantities. Generate lookup tables when any one of the
following conditions exist at the monitoring point:
Manning and Colebrook-White equations cannot
accurately represent the relationship between depth and
quantity, but you must use a depth-based flow equation
Monitoring point hydraulics prohibit the use of the
Manning equation in cases where free-flow conditions do
not exist (e.g., reverse flows, upstream or downstream
obstructions, or frequent backups)
Flume or weir installed at the monitoring point no longer
meets factory specifications
• Rain Use the Create Installation wizard for any monitoring
point only utilizing a rain gauge device.
• Pumps Use the Create Installation wizard when you need to
create an installation for pump station monitors such as the
ADS 5600 series. The installation wizard allows you to enter
and store the pump ratings and wet well volume.
• General Use the Create Installation wizard when you need
to create an installation with an empty table because no
calculations are performed in the monitor. For example, create
this kind of table for FlowAlert installations or analog
input/output only installations.
When to Use the Installation Generator
Create installations for each monitoring point typically during the
Project Setup phase after setting up your Profile database. For
more information, refer to the Introduction, Chapter 1.