Creating and organizing the database, Creating a new database, Creating and organizing the database -8 – ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual

Page 48: Creating a new database -8

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Profile Software User's Guide

CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement

1998 – 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Creating and Organizing the Database

Use the Profile main screen to create your project database (.mdb
file). A database is made up of one or more groups, with each
group containing one or more monitor locations. Each monitor
location contains at least one monitoring point

each monitoring

point represents a different point in a manhole where a sensor
device (such as ultrasonic depth or Doppler velocity) is installed.
Flow statistics (data) generated by the sensors are stored under each
monitoring point within the database as data entities. In order to
organize your database, Profile allows you to create, remove, or
modify any database object (group, location, or monitoring point).

You also can designate the file paths for storing location
information and collected data for backup purposes.

Note: A database must not exceed 2 gigabytes in size.
Therefore, ADS provides a special database update utility,
AdsDbUpdate.exe, for compacting databases that begin to
progress toward exceeding the recommended limit. Refer
to Compacting a Database on page 2-16 for instructions.

Creating a New Database

Create new databases (.mdb files) as necessary, to logically
organize your projects. Perform the following steps to successfully
create a new database:

1. Select the File > Database > Create option to display the

Create New Database dialog.