ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual

Page 370

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Data Transfer Utility


CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement

1998 - 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Properties dialog

Changing the Export Path Profile exports data to

C:\AdsData by default. Select the Browse button to locate
an alternate file path for exporting the data.

Note: The actual Profile data files will reside in the
[Export Path]\[monitor location name] folder, where
Export Path is the default path or a user-selected path,
and monitor location name represents the name of the
monitor associated with the data. Profile will
automatically create the monitor location name folder
when a data export is performed.

Changing the Export File Format Select the desired

format for the exported data from the File Format drop-
down list.

Creating an Average Interval for the Monitor Data

Select the desired average interval from the Average drop-
down list when exporting the data into ASCII or Excel
format. This option is not available for exporting Profile
data (.IFV) files.