ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual

Page 639

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IN-12 Profile Software User's Guide

CONFIDENTIAL – Covered by ADS Software License Agreement

1998 - 2012 ADS LLC. All Rights Reserved.

pipe height, 12-27, 18-24
questionable data, 12-23, 18-23
retrieving saved bestfit curves,


scales, 12-8, 18-8
selecting data, 12-31
silt depth, 12-27, 18-24
storing bestfit coefficients,


tolerances, 12-21
typical use, 12-6
using tolerances, 12-33
viewing a data point value,


X and Y axis data entities, 18-6

Scattergraph Editor

defined, 12-3
flagging data, 12-32
generating curves, 12-11
graph period, 12-6, 18-7
how to edit data, 12-31
how to use, 12-4
Next Period toolbar button,

12-6, 18-7

Previous Period toolbar button,

12-6, 18-7

saving the scattergraph screen,


selecting X and Y entities, 12-6
updating the scattergraph,


when to use, 12-3

Scattergraph Reporter

defined, 18-3
setting up the view, 18-5
when to use, 18-3

scattergraph tolerances, 12-21
scheduler, 1-17

editing the task list, 1-19

scheduling activities, 1-17

creating, 2-138, 15-5
creating from the main screen,


defined, 15-2
imported from QuadraScan,


schema definition dialog, 15-6
temporary, 15-7

screen resolution, 1-8
selected database objects

changing, 2-127

selecting data

hydrograph, 10-15
scattergraphs, 12-31
tabular, 11-7

selecting the computer’s modem,


selecting the computer’s serial

port, 5-4

selection box

scattergraph data, 12-31

sensor waveforms, 6-10
serial port selection, 5-4
set default time span, 2-128
setting the communication type,


setting the monitor time, 5-10
silt depth

displaying, 18-24

slimline peak combo sensor

editing device parameters, 2-74
temperature parameters, 2-83
ultrasonic parameters, 2-76
velocity, 2-79

smart depth device, 2-92
software installation instructions,
