Generating a scattergraph curve, Setting up the curve parameters – ADS Environmental Services Profile Software 950015B6 User Manual
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18-12 Profile Software User's Guide
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Generating a Scattergraph Curve
The Scattergraph Reporter allows you to generate and display
three different curve types to display on scattergraph reports:
Bestfit, Colebrook-White, and Manning.
Note: To use this option, the scattergraph's X-axis data
entity must be a depth entity, the left Y-axis data entity
must be a quantity or velocity, and a pipe must be
associated with the monitoring point (e.g., you cannot
generate curves for weirs, flumes, or lookups).
Generate a scattergraph curve by performing the following steps:
• Set up the curve parameters.
• Generate a Bestfit curve.
• Use a previously generated Bestfit curve.
• Generate a Colebrook-White curve.
• Generate a Manning curve.
Note: It is important to use edited flow data prior to
generating curves using the Scattergraph Reporter.
Setting Up the Curve Parameters
Before selecting the type of curve you want to generate, define the
curve parameters. Typically, you should use the default values for
the curve parameters; however, there will be situations where
changing the default values will be necessary. Access and update
the curve parameters by performing the following steps:
1. Select the View > Curves option or the Curve Properties
toolbar button.
2. Select the Setup tab.