Newsfalmready, Table 141: newsfalmready binary message data – NavCom Sapphire Rev.J User Manual

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Sapphire Technical Reference Manual Rev. J






This output message indicates to the end-user that a new StarFire Almanac has been received
that is ready to be enabled / switched-over to.

The receiver is configured to regualarly receive and process a new StarFire Alamnac over-the-
air at the top of each hour. If the newly arrived StarFire Almanac contains a StarFire satellite
constellation or frequency change, the receiver outputs this message on active ports to inform
the user that a new StarFire Almanac has been received which is different than the current one

In the event that the newly arrived StarFire Almanac is the same as the current one in-use, the
new almanac is discarded, and no message is output.

Table 141: NEWSFALMREADY binary message data

Data Item

Data Type

Flag indicating that a new StarFire Almanac has been
received OTA and is ready to be enabled / switched-over.


Set number of pending OTA StarFire Almanac.


Set size of pending OTA StarFire Almanac.


Set number of current OTA StarFire Almanac in-use.


Set size of current OTA StarFire Almanac in-use.


For example, when [OUTPUT] NEWSFALMREADY, onChange is scheduled, the following output is


41 4C 4D 52 45 41 44 59 5D 0E 00 9D
06 4E ED 54 15 05 00 00 00 00 07 2A
37 32 37 39 0D 0A

Start with an almanac with set = 0, records = 7.

No pending OTA almanac received.

Set to MANUAL mode

41 4C 4D 52 45 41 44 59 5D 0E 00 9D
06 48 52 55 15 05 01 00 06 00 07 2A
38 44 30 30 0D 0A

Simulate OTA almanac set = 0, records = 6

Issue [SFALMENABLENEW] command

41 4C 4D 52 45 41 44 59 5D 0E 00 9D
06 AA EA 55 15 05 00 00 00 00 06 2A
39 36 33 36 0D 0A

41 4C 4D 52 45 41 44 59 5D 0E 00 9D
06 2A A0 57 15 05 01 01 06 00 06 2A
32 33 41 30 0D 0A

Simulate OTA almanac set = 1, records = 6. Set to
AUTO mode of 1 minute

41 4C 4D 52 45 41 44 59 5D 0E 00 9D
06 72 8E 58 15 05 00 00 00 01 06 2A
44 46 35 41 0D 0A

after one-minute, NEWSFALMREADY automatically
output onChange