Glossary, Glossary-1 – Gasboy CFN III Manager Manual V3.6 User Manual
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MDE-4871 CFN III Manager’s Manual for Windows® XP Embedded - Version 3.6 · August 2010
Account Number
Account number in CFN documentation refers to the entire customer-information field of a
Proprietary Card or the account-number field of a bank card. For Proprietary Cards, the
account-number field is usually divided into sub-fields that may include a card number,
vehicle number, employee number, customer account number, or other fields. Although it
may seem confusing to call the entire field the account number when it can contain a
sub-field called account number, this terminology conforms with the Track II Standard as
defined by the American Banking Association. Refer to
Account Number Lockout
Pump must be activated before a customer can pump fuel. A console user can active a pump
by selecting the pump with the pump number key, accepting payment (for prepaid sales
only), and pressing the START key. A customer can activate a pump from the island card
reader by entering a valid card and keying in the required information, including the pump
number. The Site Controller command ACTIVATE PUMP also activates a pump for one
transaction. A pump in full-serve mode is always active. ACTIVATE is also used to activate
a gate using the command ACTIVATE GATE.
Allocation, Fuel
Quantities or dollar amounts of fuel can be allocated to totalizers for each allocation number.
When a card with an allocation number pumps fuel, the totalizer for that allocation number is
decremented. When the totalizer is zero, cards with that allocation number cannot access
Consisting of characters of the alphabet and numbers. An alphanumeric display can display
letters and numbers, and usually other characters such as punctuation.
A computer program designed to solve a specific problem. PC Site control is an application
Pronounced as “askee”. An acronym for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange. A standard 8-bit code used by the CFN System and many other computers. An
ASCII character is a character encoded in ASCII. An ASCII file is a file made of ASCII