14 - lookup program, Definitions, 14 – lookup program – Gasboy CFN III Manager Manual V3.6 User Manual
Page 139: Definitions -1, Lookup program, Lookup, Program
MDE-4871 CFN III Manager’s Manual for Windows® XP Embedded - Version 3.6 · August 2010
Page 14-1
Lookup Program
14 – Lookup Program
The Lookup program is part of the Fleet Options package (which is briefly described in
Controller III Optional Packages”
), and it requires version 3.0 or later of the Site
Controller software.
The Lookup program lets you quickly set up accounts for customers, using these types of
• code card-which can also be cardless, when a user manually enters the account number at
a keypad. In this manual, discussions of code cards must be taken as also referring to
cardless accounts.
• club card (private-issue)
• bank card (credit or debit card)
Under the Lookup program you do not have to encode restrictions on the cards. The
restrictions and customer information are contained in records in a lookup file.
Before the Lookup program, all the restrictions-such as gallon limit per purchase or types of
merchandise that could be bought-on a club card had to be encoded on the card itself. Now,
you can make up a group of numbered cards, say 990-999, in advance, and quickly pass them
out to your next ten club card customers. Then, in the lookup file under records 990, 991, and
so on, you enter the restrictions for each card.
If the restrictions subsequently change (for example, a company decides to let its employees
purchase 25 gallons at a time, instead of only 10) you no longer have to make up and issue
new cards. Instead, you quickly and easily change the lookup file.
Also, you do not have to create a lookup file record for each card. You can, for instance, use as
a record’s lookup number the field in a card’s number that identifies a company’s account, and
keep all cards for that company in one record. In other words, if you have a thousand cards,
you do not have to have a thousand records as long as some cards have a field in common.
The Lookup program contains a series of menus. This section defines the prompts and fields
used on the menus.
Lookup number - the number assigned to a card or account. This number can be up to
19 digits (numeric characters only; alphabetic characters are not allowed).
Lookup type - the type of the lookup number.
There are three lookup types that apply to code cards:
N = this type of lookup matches the entire number on the code card (or cardless entry).
Applies only to code cards or manually entered code numbers.