4 gran evaluation – Metrohm tiamo 2.2 Manual User Manual

Page 892

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5.6 Commands




tiamo 2.2

Gran evaluation

Parameters: Method

DET/MET Properties... Additional evaluations Gran


The Gran evaluation can be used to determine S-shaped DET and MET titra-
tion curves. Two different procedures can be selected for this which are
referred to as Normalized and Standard.

In the normalized procedure, the titration curves are linearized in 2 parts:
the first part is before, the second after the equivalence point. The Gran
function G is then plotted vs. the reagent consumption to get the Gran
endpoint GP.

In the standard procedure, which is only available for pH -
Additional evaluations
and pH, only the part before the
equivalence point will be linearized, and afterwards the intersection point
with the y axis is determined as the endpoint GP.

The Gran evaluation is only suitable for curves with a single jump. All of the
jumps are evaluated together as a group when a curve has several jumps.
This may be desirable, as for example if 2 EPs are very close to one another
in a steep jump and one wishes to have only one GP evaluated, e.g. with
titrations of NaOH that contain carbonate.