Metrohm tiamo 2.2 Manual User Manual
Page 1296

6.6 Subwindow Titrants/Solutions
tiamo 2.2
24 characters
Default value
Serial number
Serial number of dosing unit. With intelligent dosing units the serial number
is read off automatically and cannot be edited.
10 characters
Default value
Cylinder volume
Cylinder volume of dosing unit. With intelligent dosing units the cylinder
volume is read off automatically and cannot be edited. If in the method you
have selected a solution in a titration or dosing command then the cylinder
volume will be checked in the run.
2 mL | 5 mL | 10 mL | 20 mL | 50 mL
Default value
20 mL
Cylinder serial number
Serial number of cylinder. It is printed on new cylinders. With intelligent
dosing units it is read off automatically. It can be altered at any time, e.g. if
the cylinder has to be replaced.
8 characters
Default value
Parameters for preparation
Configures the parameters to be used in the commands PREP and
Dosing port Prep/Empty
Dosing port via which the cylinder contents are to be ejected during prep-
aration and emptying.
Dosing port 1 | Dosing port 2 | Fill port | Special
Default value
Dosing port 1
Dosing rate Dosing port 1
Speed at which dosing is to be carried out at Dosing port 1. The maximum
dosing rate depends on the cylinder volume of the exchange unit used (see
below). When the function is carried out the speed will automatically be
reduced to the largest possible value.
0.01 ... 166.00 mL/min
Default value