2 add user, 3 set start password, Add user – Metrohm tiamo 2.2 Manual User Manual

Page 1225: Set start password for new user

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6 Configuration

tiamo 2.2



new start password when adding a new user or after a change in status to
activated. If the user has logged in with the start password and then
entered a new password, then the start password is deleted again.


50 characters

[Set start password]

Opens the dialog window Start password. This button is enabled only for
users with the status activated. If a user has forgotten his/her password
then the Administrator can issue a new start password here.

User group

Current user group. The administrator can modify the group assignment of
the user. The user is automatically moved to the new group. A user can also
be moved to a new group with Drag&Drop.


Selection of the defined user group


Optional entry of additional information for the user (e.g. function, address).


1000 characters

Add user

Dialog window: Configuration

Tools User administration [Add user] Add


There are two ways of adding a new user:

Select user group and the context-sensitive menu item Add user.

Select user group and press the [Add user] button.

In both cases this opens the dialog windowAdd user.


Short name of new user that must be used to log in at program start. After
the name has been entered a Start password must be issued with which
the user is entered in the list of users.


24 characters

Set start password

Dialog window: Configuration

Tools User administration [Set start pass-


Set start password

Using the [Set start password] button in the dialog window User admin-
a start password can be issued for the selected user. It is enabled
only for newly added users or for those who have once again achieved
activated status. The dialog window Start password opens: