4 properties - detector, Properties - detector 7, Detector – Metrohm tiamo 2.2 Manual User Manual
Page 1451
7 Devices
tiamo 2.2
continuous | pulsed
Default value
Pulses per integration time
Frequency the light flashes with. This parameter can only be edited for the
Type = pulsed.
0 ... 1000
Default value
Analog output
Analog output
on | off (Default value: on)
If this option is enabled, the measured signal on the analog output of the
spectrometer is put out. If the connected spectrometer has no analog out-
put, this option is ignored.
Only editable when the analog output is switched on.
1 ... 214783647 mAU/mV
Default value
100 mAU/mV
Properties - Detector
Tab: Configuration
▶ Devices ▶ [Edit] ▶ Properties... ▶ Properties - 'Device type' -
'Device name'
▶ Detector
On the tab Detector information on the detector built in the spectrometer
is displayed.
Detector type
Display of the detector type.
Minimum wavelength.
Display of the minimum wavelength of the measurable range in mm.
Maximum wavelength
Display of the maximum wavelength of the measurable range in mm.
Number of pixels
Display of the resolution the spectrum is recorded with.