Metrohm tiamo 2.2 Manual User Manual
Page 729

5 Method
tiamo 2.2
Command status; 1 = Condition requirement ful-
filled, 0 = Condition requirement not fulfilled
Concentration of the solution used for the command
Cylinder volume of the exchange or dosing unit used
for the command
Total duration for the processing of the command in s
Current and/or last drift for drift correction in µL/min
Time for processing all start conditions s
Time for drift correction (time from the start of the
titration to the end of the command) in s
End measured value (measured value after processing
of the command) in the unit of the measured value
Measured value for the endpoint × (1…9) in the unit
of the measured value
Quantity of endpoints in the window × (1…9); 1 = 1
endpoint, 2 = 2 or more endpoints, 3 = EP cor-
rected with Autodrift, 4 = EP corrected with
manual drift
Temperature for the endpoint × (1…9) in °C
Time in s until the endpoint × (1…9) is reached
Volume for the endpoint × (1…9) in mL
End temperature (temperature following processing of
the command) in °C
End volume (total dosed volume at the end of the com-
mand) in mL
Command status; 1 = Command has ended at least
once, 0, invalid (variable not available) = Command
has never ended
Measured value for the fixed endpoint × (1…9) in mV
Temperature for the fixed endpoint × (1…9) in °C
Time in s until the fixed endpoint × (1…9) is reached
Volume for the fixed endpoint × (1…9) in mL